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Jon G. Daryanani


Jon G. Daryanani

Jon 在代表财富 100 强公司以及新兴和风险资本公司的高风险诉讼中积累了卓越的成功记录。

Jon 代表雇主处理所有与雇佣与劳动诉讼及客户咨询相关的方面,包括商业秘密和员工离职诉讼。这些案件包括民事诉讼,涉及工资和工时集体诉讼(PAGA)和行政诉讼,歧视、骚扰、报复、非法辞退和商业秘密窃取的索赔。

作为客户的资源和顾问,Jon 在各类雇佣事务中提供战略规划,例如为初创和私募股权公司谈判高管薪酬方案。

Jon 的客户包括国际知名品牌,如 T-Mobile USA 、波音公司和美国雅马哈公司。客户涵盖制造、技术、娱乐、社交媒体、银行、私募股权和能源等多个行业。

Jon 曾在四大会计师事务所任注册会计师的经验,为其执业带来独到见解。他经常与公司的并购律师合作,在加利福尼亚实体的收购和出售案中对雇佣问题进行尽职调查。

Jon 曾任洛杉矶办公室的管理合伙人。在 2023 和 2024 年,他被《洛杉矶商业杂志》评为“百强律师”和“影响力领袖:诉讼律师和出庭律师”。



  • 洛约拉法学院, J.D., 1999
  • 加州州立大学北岭分校, 1993


  • California
  • 美国联邦第四巡回上诉法院
  • 美国加利福尼亚州南区联邦地区法院
  • 美国加利福尼亚州北区联邦地区法院
  • 美国加利福尼亚州中区联邦地区法院


  • 加州司法部反垄断局,法务实习生,1998 年
  • 全国证券交易商协会 (N.A.S.D.),法务实习生,1999 年


  • 被《洛杉矶商业杂志》评为 “100 强律师”,2023-2024

  • 被《洛杉矶商业杂志》评为“影响力领袖:诉讼律师和出庭律师”,2023-2024

  • 被《南加州超级律师》评为“超级律师-就业与劳动”,2017

  • 被《洛杉矶日报》评为 “40 岁以下 20 佳”洛杉矶律师,2011

  • 在《洛杉矶杂志》的 “南加州超级律师” 评选中获评 “明日之星”,2010 – 2012



The Boeing Company

Trial counsel for The Boeing Company in arbitration asserting claims for race discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, and failure to prevent discrimination and harassment, as well as claims for punitive damages. Verdict in favor of client, The Boeing Company, dismissing all claims in their entirety.

Yamaha Corporation of America

Obtained dismissal of punitive damages, retaliation and failure to engage in the interactive process claims on summary judgment on behalf of Yamaha Corporation of America, resulting in an immediate and favorable resolution of the civil action brought by a former employee. 

The Boeing Company

Obtained dismissal of claims filed by former employee on summary judgment in arbitration, utilizing favorable deposition testimony of plaintiff. The judge issued an order dismissing plaintiff’s claims for (1) racial discrimination, (2) retaliation, (3) wrongful termination, (4) negligent supervision, hiring, and retention, (5) punitive damages, and (6) emotional distress.

The Boeing Company

Secured voluntary dismissal by plaintiff with respect to claims of whistleblowing and wrongful termination upon filing of motion summary judgment, and as a result of favorable testimony obtained at deposition of plaintiff.

Data Logistics Company

Secured summary judgment dismissing former employee’s claims for breach of employment contract on behalf of client and permitted to proceed forward to trial with counterclaim for misappropriation of confidential information and breach of fiduciary duty claims against former employee.

Brooks Automation, Inc.

Plaintiff, a former executive, asserted a seven-figure damage claim for fraud, negligent misrepresentation and breach of contract against the client. Successfully obtained summary judgment ruling in favor of client, thereby dismissing the case, in its entirety, prior to trial.

Global Manufacturer and Aerospace Company

Obtained a dismissal of negligence claim for personal injury related to employment in an action filed in Orange County Superior Court.

Financial Institution

Obtained dismissal of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) claims asserting disabilities under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA).

Privately Held Manufacturing Company

Defended client before California Labor Commissioner in claims of misclassification of employee as exempt. Trial ruling in favor of client.

Class Actions – Multiple Industries [Manufacturing, Retail, Service Industry, Agriculture]

Represent clients in multiple wage-and-hour class actions, including claims pursuant to the Private Attorney General Act (PAGA), and claims related to failure to pay overtime, failure to provide meal and rest breaks, and failure to reimburse expenses. Obtained favorable resolutions after engaging in discovery, as well as entire dismissal of class action brought by agricultural employees.

Roman v. Super. Ct. (Flo-Kem, Inc.)*

Published appellate decision holding that arbitration clause in employment application was valid and binding, thereby requiring employee to arbitrate claims.

Multinational Temporary Housing Company*

Successfully defeated class certification with respect to overtime and meal and rest claims brought by California employees of multinational temporary housing company.

Airline Component Manufacturer

Obtained summary judgment in Orange County Superior Court dismissing punitive damage claims asserted by former employee alleging wrongful termination and disability discrimination, which resulted in immediate and favorable resolution on behalf of client. 

High-Profile Business and Media Clients

Advise and counsel prominent business executives, celebrities and other professionals in the public eye on home office, personnel and related issues, including disputes and litigation.

Misappropriation of Trade Secrets*

Co-chaired three-week jury trial related to misappropriation of trade secrets, resulting in favorable verdict for client, including dismissal of cross-complaint.

International Publicly Traded Client*

Obtained summary judgment in federal district court on behalf of international publicly traded client, resulting in dismissal of all claims by former executive of wrongful termination and race/disability discrimination and also resulting in an award of costs in favor of client.

International Entertainment Company

Achieved dismissal of wrongful termination claim on demurrer on behalf of international entertainment company.

Financial Institution Client*

First-chaired ten-day arbitration and obtained verdict in favor of financial institution client, resulting in a half-million-dollar damage award and injunctive relief against former CEO for fraud, self-dealing, breach of fiduciary duty and misappropriation of trade secrets.

California Labor Commissioner Wage and Hour Appeal*

First-chaired bench trial in conjunction with California Labor Commissioner wage and hour appeal and achieved finding in favor of client and award of attorneys' fees.

American Idol Productions, Inc.*

Successfully defended American Idol Productions, Inc. in conjunction with numerous wage claims filed with the California Labor Commissioner.

*Prior Experience 

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