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迈克∙怀斯 Michael J. Wise

Michael J. Wise
Michael J. Wise

迈克∙怀斯 Michael J. Wise

  • 生命科学和医疗业务团队主席


他入选《知识产权资产管理》(Intellectual Asset Management) 杂志评选出的《IAM 全球专利 1000 强》,并且被《钱伯斯全球指南》(Chamber Global) 评为领先律师,评价是学识渊博,才华横溢,平易近人。

怀斯律师拥有 30 年进行专利咨询、申请和诉讼的经验,他经常代表客户处理联邦地区法院诉讼案件,同时也在美国专利审判与上诉委员会处理多方复审和抵触申请案件。

怀斯律师处理的诉讼案件涉及广泛的技术领域,包括生物学和小分子治疗、诊断学、医疗设备、软件和电子。在过去的 20 年中,怀斯律师积极参加南加州生物医学委员会 (SoCalBio) 的相关活动。他担任 SoCalBio 年度投资委员会主席,同时担任董事会秘书。此外,他还定期为学术机构、研究机构、新兴公司、私人公司和上市公司提供如何保护及实施他们的知识产权的咨询。



  • 罗耀拉法学院 (Loyola Law School), J.D., 优等生,法学院优等生协会 (Order of the Coif), 1989
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校, Bachelor of Science, 生物学, 1985


  • California
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
  • 美国联邦第九巡回上诉法院
  • 美国联邦巡回上诉法院
  • 美国加利福尼亚州北区联邦地区法院
  • 美国加利福尼亚州中区联邦地区法院
  • 美国加利福尼亚州南区联邦地区法院


  • 2013 – 2024 连续入选《钱伯斯全球指南》

  • 2012 – 2023 连续入选《钱伯斯美国》加州生命科学:知识产权/专利诉讼领域“美国领先律师“

  • 入选《美国最佳律师》:生物技术和生命科学领域、诉讼-知识产权类别,2016 – 2024;专利法领域, 2023 – 2024

  • 2012 – 2024 连续入选《IAM 全球专利 1000 强》;“诉讼银榜”,2016 – 2022;“诉讼铜榜”,2012 – 2015

  • 2020 – 2023 被选为美国律师基金会研究员

  • 2013 – 2024 连续入选《知识产权管理》(Managing IP)“知识产权之星”

  • 2018 、2020 – 2022 被《Daily Journal》杂志评为“加州顶尖知识产权律师”

  • 2013 – 2022 被《洛杉矶杂志》评为“南加州超级律师”

  • 2018 – 2021 连续入选《法律名人录》“生命科学-专利诉讼”榜单

  • 2020 被《洛杉矶时报》评为“ 2020 年度南加州顶级律师”

  • 2018、2020 被《洛杉矶最佳律师》评为“生物技术和生命科学领域,年度最佳律师”

  • 入选《LMG 生命科学 2019》“知识产权之星”榜单

  • 2019 荣登《洛杉矶杂志》“南加州顶级律师”榜单

  • 2018 被《Lawyer Monthly Legal》评为“生命科学领域,年度最佳律师”

  • 2017 入选《法律名人录》,被评为生命科学领域领先的执业律师

  • 在 Martindale-Hubbell 的同行评议中被评为 AV 级律师

    (AV®、BV® 和 CV® 是 Reed Elsevier Properties Inc. 公司注册的证明商标,根据 Martindale-Hubbell 证明程序、标准和规定使用。)



  • 2004 年至今,南加州生物医学委员会,秘书
  • 2000 年至今,南加州生物医学委员会,董事会成员



Van der Hoeven Horticultural Projects B.V. v. Glass Investment Projects, Inc.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
Represented patent owner on appeal following an IPR decision upholding challenged claims over the prior art. Obtained summary affirmance upholding favorable judgment on appeal. Case No. 18-2234

Fontem Ventures B.V., et al. v. R. J. Reynolds Vapor Company, Case Nos. 16-cv-1255-CCE, 16-cv-1257-CCE, 16-cv-1258-CCE, 17-cv-175-CCE

U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina
Representing plaintiff Fontem in enforcing fifteen electronic cigarette patents in four infringement cases. Cases are settled.

Fontem Ventures B.V., et al. v. Nu Mark, LLC, Case Nos. 16-cv-1259-CCE, 16-cv-1261-CCE

U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina
Represented plaintiff Fontem in enforcing sixteen electronic cigarette patents in two consolidated infringement cases. Cases settled.

Fontem Holdings 1 B.V. & Fontem Ventures B.V. v. Njoy, Inc. et al., Case No. CV14-1645-GW (lead case)

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
Represented plaintiff Fontem in enforcing nine electronic cigarette patents in twenty-four consolidated patent cases against eight of the largest e-cigarette companies operating in the United States. Cases settled.

Contested Patent Matters

R. J. Reynolds v. Fontem Ventures B.V., et al.

Patent Trial and Appeal Board
Represented patent owner Fontem in defending twenty-six inter partes review petitions of electronic cigarette patents. Obtained multiple favorable Board decisions prior to settlement.

Nu Mark, LLC v. Fontem Ventures B.V., et al.

Patent Trial and Appeal Board
Represented patent owner Fontem in defending twenty-five inter partes review petitions of electronic cigarette patents. Obtained multiple favorable Board decisions prior to settlement.

Lo et al. (Sequenom, Inc.) v. Quake, Et Al (Illumina, Inc), Interference Nos. 105,920, 105,922-924.

Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences
Represented Party Lo in a series of Interferences before the Board of Patent Appeal and Interferences between Parties Lo and Quake involving the use of random massively parallel sequencing for detection of fetal aneuploidy in a maternal blood sample. Obtained judgment for Party Lo on priority because Party Quake’s involved patent and applications lacked written description support for the involved claims.


Patent Procurement, Counseling and Due Diligence for City of Hope

Patent preparation, prosecution, and counseling related to small molecule therapeutics, biotechnology therapeutics diagnostics and medical devices.

Patent Procurement, Counseling and Due Diligence for Editas Medicine

Patent counsel for publicly traded pharmaceutical company developing clinical applications for genome editing. Representation includes patent procurement and due diligence relating to financing.

Patent Procurement, Counseling and Due Diligence for Eloxx Pharmaceuticals

Comprehensive patent counsel for publicly traded pharmaceutical company developing small molecule therapeutics for treatment of cystic fibrosis and other premature stop codon-related diseases. Representation includes patent procurement, management of licensed and original patent portfolios, and due diligence relating to licensing and financing.

China Practice

Patent Counseling and Procurement for Shanghai Benemae Pharmaceutical Corporation

Providing advice on a variety of IP-related issues including patent procurement, general IP strategies and internal IP management.

Patent Counseling for Xcelom Limited

Assisting in the enforcement of its licensed patent rights in Hong Kong related to use of random massively parallel sequencing for detection of fetal aneuploidy.

Patent Procurement and Litigation Counseling for Ruyan

Managed the company’s global patent portfolio and enforced patents to protect its vapor technology.

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