25 位博钦律师荣膺《知识产权管理》“知识产权之星”
西雅图报导(2024 年 6 月 18 日)——博钦律师事务所 25 位知识产权律师荣膺《知识产权管理》(Managing Intellectual Property)公布的 “2024 知识产权之星”(2024 IP Star)榜单。
该榜单针对全球各个知识产权执业领域的领军律师进行排名。自 1990 年以来,《知识产权管理》杂志内容涵盖全球知识产权法与相关业务领域。
- Scott Palmer
- 亚利桑那州:Chad Campbell (专利)
- 加州:Viola Kung (专利), John Schnurer (专利), James Snell (专利), Stefani Shanberg (专利), James Valentine (专利), Bobbie Wilson (专利), Michael Wise (专利)
- 科罗拉多州:Peter Kinsella (专利), Amanda Tessar (专利)
- 伊利诺伊州:Thomas Holt (商标与版权)
- 纽约州:Gene Lee (专利)
- 华盛顿州:Ramsey Al-Salam (专利), David Burman (专利), James Go (专利), Lynne Graybeal (商标,版权), Patchen Haggerty (商标), Ryan McBrayer (专利), Paul Parker (专利), William Rava (商标), Grace Han Stanton (商标,专利)
- 哥伦比亚特区: Shannon Bloodworth (专利), Nathan Kelley (专利)
- 威斯康星州:David Anstaett (专利)
媒体咨询:请发邮件联系媒体关系总监 Justin Cole。
Perkins Coie is a leading international law firm that is known for
providing high-value, strategic solutions and extraordinary client
service on matters vital to our clients' success. With more than 1,200 lawyers
in offices across the United States and Asia, we provide a full array of corporate,
commercial litigation, intellectual property, and regulatory legal advice to a broad range
of clients, including many of the world's most innovative companies and industry leaders as well as public and not-for-profit organizations.
Media Inquiries: Please email Justin Cole, Head of Media Relations.