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陈汉威 Han-Wei Chen

Profile photo for Han-Wei Chen
Profile photo for Han-Wei Chen

陈汉威 Han-Wei Chen

陈汉威 (Harvey Chen) 律师是客户最热忱的代言人,同时也是深获信赖的法律顾问,擅长处理各种规模企业的最有价值的智慧财产权益,无论是草创的新创公司还是大型跨国集团。

陈汉威律师 (Harvey Chen) 指导客户塑造其专利组合,制定知识产权策略,并经常协助客户应对竞争对手的知识产权相关挑战。能够用流利的中文和闽南语进行口头和书面交流,陈律师经常担任亚洲公司值得信赖的实质的内部法律顾问,在美国处理知识产权等其他法律事宜。


在近期为客户赢得的胜利中,陈律师制定了创新性战略解决方案从而使世界领先手机制造商的专利组合大幅扩展。在过去的几年中,他每年都就数百件与标准必要专利 (SEP) 有关的美国专利的取得提供咨询和直接监督,涉及 5G、Wi-Fi 和视频编解码器等新兴技术相关。在一个案例中,陈律师协助一家上市公司客户取得了多项美国专利,这些专利被用于联邦地方法院和国际贸易委员会向竞争对手进行诉讼,最终为该客户带来了 1.35 亿美元的和解。在另一个案例中,他为一家云计算公司塑造并创建整个专利组合,在关键创新领域提供保护,为后续价格为 53 亿美元的重大私有化收购奠定基础。他还协助一家大型电子显示器公司在一次价值上亿美金的许可谈判中针对竞争对手的潜在专利侵权行为进行分析与调查。近期,他为客户在一宗涉及价值数千万美元专利的行政上诉程序中胜诉。

陈律师专注于制定专利战略,以最具成本效益的方式使客户目标得以实现。他接受过电子工程师和计算机科学家的系统训练,乐于同创新公司和个人在各式前沿技术领域上进行合作,包括消费电子、嵌入式系统、数字和模拟电路设计、集成电路 (IC) 制造、无线通信和计算机网络、计算机架构、云计算和大数据处理、分布式数据库、机器学习 (ML)、无人驾驶车辆以及激光探测与测距。 陈律师在处理与医疗设备相关事务方面亦极富经验,包括医疗影像设备、人工智能 (AI) 辅助诊断、基于生物电信号的控制、自动化医疗平台和区块链相关应用。

陈律师致力于公益法律服务,他曾率领一个律师团队为北加州艺术家获得和解,该艺术家的作品未经授权被广泛使用在广告活动中。他还担任卡内基梅隆大学的客座讲师,为亚裔美国法学院学生开展职业研讨会。在赴美之前,他是飞利浦半导体(Philips Semiconductors)的设备工程师。他还在军队中担任过少尉炮兵军官。



  • 德克萨斯大学, J.D., 德克萨斯知识产权法律杂志》副编辑, 2010
  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 计算机科学与工程学硕士, 2007
  • 台湾国立成功大学, 电气工程学士, 2003


  • California
  • District of Columbia
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
  • Texas
  • Taiwan, Foreign Legal Affairs Attorney
  • 美国联邦巡回上诉法院
  • 美国联邦第九巡回上诉法院
  • 美国加利福尼亚州北区联邦地区法院


  • 卡内基·梅隆大学硅谷,客座讲师
  • 台湾清华大学科技法学院,客座教授,2018
  • Mahamedi Paradice Kreisman 律师事务所,加州圣何塞,律师,2011 – 2013
  • 众达律师事务所,台湾台北,暑期实习律师,2008
  • 台湾积体电路制造股份有限公司,法律实习生,2008
  • 飞利浦半导体,台湾高雄,设备工程师,2005


  • 英语
  • 中文 - 普通话
  • 闽南语



  • 美国知识产权法律协会成员
  • 美国律师协会成员
  • 亚裔美国律师协会成员
  • 荣登 Capital Pro Bono High Honor Roll,2014 – 2015, 2017 – 2020


Patent Prosecution/Portfolio Management

  • Serve as lead counsel and supervisor of U.S. patent portfolio at Perkins Coie for one of the world’s top mobile phone companies. Secured favorable patent protection scope for several cases in much shorter time frame than usual. Provide several patent analysis projects to be utilized in licensing negotiations.
  • Represent leading large technology corporation’s healthcare-related products and services subsidiary company. Serve as the firm’s lead counsel and manage the company’s patent portfolio, as well as several patent due diligence projects.
  • Represent cloud computing, distributed database and processing system, and artificial intelligence (AI) company in shaping and prosecuting entire patent portfolio. Starting with a few patents, expanded their portfolio to 90+ global patents, with protection in key innovation areas. Guided company in successfully obtaining multiple patents in every single family in its patent portfolio of 30+ families. Won an ex parte appeal before Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) in which the examiner’s decision received a summary reversal and, in another appeal, led to the examiner allowing the case without examiner’s answer.
  • Represent Taiwanese integrated circuit (IC) design house in tailoring, drafting, and prosecuting its patent and trademark portfolio. Grew the portfolio from zero to 50+ global patents during a period of company expansion from two co-founders to a company of 80+ employees receiving several rounds of funding. The successful patent and trademark portfolio execution strategies helped the company secure its position in important market areas and attracted key strategic partners.
  • Strategize and create U.S. and global patent portfolio for industry-leading hydrophobic organic film coating company. Led the company’s counterattacks, challenging several competitors’ patents before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Representation includes reviewing and discussing business plans and developments with client in order to tailor a global intellectual property strategy, both defensive and offensive, to achieve the client’s goals.
  • Represent well-known, Japan-based stereo company in patent development projects. Representation routinely involves advice regarding patent mining, invention review meetings, and procurement strategies.
  • Developed U.S. patent portfolio for rapidly growing Chinese mobile application company that recently completed its nine-figure Series C financing.

Litigation and Appellate

  • Co-drafted inter partes review petitions for consumer electronics manufacturer that, in one petition, persuaded the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) Precedential Decision Panel—with USPTO director and vice chief administrative patent judge presiding—to review and ultimately invalidate the patent and, in another petition, established grounds that ultimately led to a summary judgment of noninfringement for the client in the related district court litigation.
  • Co-drafted inter partes review petitions for hydrophobic chemical coating company that, in one case, resulted in adverse judgment entered against the challenged patent.
  • Represented a publicly traded pharmaceutical company in Taiwan in supporting cases against its former chairman in several complex intellectual property sales and license contracts. Coordinated multiple international teams and assisted client’s legal team with its global litigation effort against the parties involved in this high-profile white-collar criminal case. The effort included various litigation and other legal proceedings in Taiwan, Switzerland, and the United States.
  • Represented a California-based, family-owned irrigation component company in a patent infringement matter. Performed infringement analysis, drafted claim chart and cease and desist letter, and assisted in settlement negotiation, resulting in a favorable settlement against the agricultural irrigation arm of a large, publicly held manufacturer.

Due Diligence

  • Handled large-scale patent due diligence project, encompassing hundreds of patents, for publicly traded biomedical device company in Taiwan. Tailored step-by-step plans to successfully complete the project and assisted company’s in-house team in presenting the results to its clients, including world-renowned healthcare and medical device providers.
  • Represented manufacturer of germicidal lamps in patent due diligence in mergers and acquisition transaction.
  • Represented medical supply technology company in due diligence on U.S. subsidiaries for initial public offering in Hong Kong.
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