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Barak Cohen

Barak Cohen
Barak Cohen

Barak Cohen

Barak Cohen 律师代表两类客户:在高度监管行业(尤其是医疗和政府合同)中面临政府执法和调查的公司和个人,以及需要就大麻行业的合规和监管事宜提供战略性商业建议的公司。

Barak 是白领犯罪与调查团队的合伙人暨本所大麻法律团队主席。他亦与本所数字媒体、娱乐、游戏和体育行业团队合作,担任游戏分支的联席负责人,针对包含涉及赌博和体育博彩在内的事宜为受监管的游戏行业的客户提供合规审查和咨询。

在担任美国司法部 (DOJ) 检察官期间,Barak 在全美各地处理过大量白领调查案件。丰富的内部经验使得 Barak 在代表公司和个人处理各类事务时游刃有余,经办案件包括涉嫌国内外欺诈和贿赂、财务不当行为、税务犯罪、虚假医疗和政府合同索赔、竞选融资和选举犯罪、反垄断犯罪和环境犯罪等。Barak 在代表与政府有业务往来的公司(例如科技公司、医学实验室、医疗设备公司和制药公司)进行有关《虚假申报法》(FCA)、《联邦反回扣法》(AKS)、《消除恢复回扣法案》(EKRA) 的调查以及由巡视员领导的调查方面拥有特别的经验。他还代表跨国公司处理涉及国际腐败法的敏感国际调查,例如美国《反海外腐败法》(FCPA)和英国《反贿赂法》。值得注意的是,Barak 代表包括多名国会议员在内的知名公职人员处理有关涉嫌竞选犯罪和选举犯罪的调查,以及州和联邦道德调查。 Barak 是美国律师协会 (ABA) 公共腐败分会的联席主席。

在大麻事务方面,Barak 迅速识别大麻行业的增长潜力。他与知名国际品牌、跨州运营商和初创公司合作,就广泛的与从促进大麻交易的电子商务和技术平台,到产品处理药房和品牌等行业交叉的事项[包括大麻、CBD(大麻二酚)、CBG(大麻萜酚),以及大麻产品和服务]提供建议。他是美国大麻委员会董事会成员、ABA 大麻法小组委员会副主席,以及全美大麻产业协会政策委员会前成员。作为大麻事务公认的思想领袖,他编辑并合作撰写了首部此类论著《大麻法:关于大麻、工业大麻和 CBD 的联邦和州法律导引》,由 ABA 于 2021 年 2 月出版。

在成为律师之前,Barak 曾在美国陆军担任步兵军官。他是博钦退伍军人资源小组的联合创始人。 Barak  在以下两个领域获《钱伯斯美国:美国领先商业律师》认可:(1) 诉讼:白领犯罪与政府调查,以及 (2) 大麻法:美国东部。评论家指出,“Barak 是一位出色的律师,他精明练达,并且在压力下沉着冷静且极为专注。”



  • 乔治城大学法律中心, J.D., 院长名单(Dean's List)荣誉, 2002
  • 乔治城大学, M.A., 国家安全研究硕士, 1997
  • 美国西点军校, Bachelor of Science, 文学/系统工程, 1992


  • District of Columbia
  • California
  • 美国哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉法院
  • 美国第十巡回上诉法院
  • 美国第九巡回上诉法院
  • 美国第五巡回上诉法院
  • 美国联邦索赔法院
  • 美国内布拉斯加州联邦地区法院
  • 美国哥伦比亚特区联邦地区法院


  • 美国司法部刑事司,华盛顿特区,出庭律师,2008 - 2014
  • Zuckerman Spaeder LLP, 2006 - 2008
  • 凯易律师事务所 (Kirkland & Ellis LLP),2003 - 2006


  • Barak Cohen > Clerkships, 联邦索赔法院


  • 入选《 2020 - 2022 年美国最佳律师:刑事辩护:白领》

  • 被《专家指南》(欧洲货币机构投资者的法律媒体小组)评为“明日之星”(Rising Stars),2015 - 2016

  • 入选华盛顿特区超级律师,白领犯罪,2015 - 2020

  • 荣获三项美国司法部特别成就奖,2009 - 2013



  • 国家大麻产业协会政策委员会成员
  • ABA 刑事司法委员会公共腐败小组委员会联合主席
  • Edward Bennett Williams American Inn of Court,成
  • 美国律师协会,会员
  • 哥伦比亚特区律师协会,会员
  • 西北大学凯洛格管理学院,高管领导力及高级领导力培训项目


  • 出庭律师协会
  • 哥伦比亚特区西点协会,成员
  • 受伤战士导师计划,志愿者


Cannabis/Hemp/CBD (cannabidiol)/CBG (cannabigerol) Industry

  • Co-wrote amicus brief on behalf of the National Cannabis Industry Association in Patients Mutual Assistance Collective Corporation d.b.a. Harborside Health Center v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the landmark appeal of a marijuana medical dispensary before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit of Section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code, which prevents marijuana businesses from deducting business expenses.
  • Providing regulatory and compliance counsel to Cookies, one of North America’s leading cannabis brands.
  • Conducted an internal investigation for a recreational/medical cannabis dispensary in California.
  • Advised and am currently advising multiple companies that want to develop or already have developed technology to support the cannabis/hemp/CBD industries with respect to beverages, food additives, and pharmaceuticals. These include the North American subsidiary of a multinational equipment manufacturer based in Europe, and a European multinational seeking to do business in North America.
  • Advised one of the largest payment processors in the credit card payment industry regarding processing cannabis fees.
  • Advised a multinational food and beverage company regarding the CBD industry.
  • Representing a multinational company that is exploring providing cloud-based human resources support to the cannabis industry.
  • Advised real estate and construction companies seeking to do business with the cannabis industry.
  • Advised private equity regarding investment in the industry.
  • Advised Caliva, a marijuana dispensary in California, which Business Insider has described as the best dispensary in the United States.
  • Advised web-based advertising platforms regarding the cannabis industry.
  • Conducting due diligence relating to pet food company.

Government Investigations and Litigation

  • Representing foreign national in counter-intelligence investigation by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York relating to alleged violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
  • Represented client in post-trial criminal proceedings against the U.S. Department of Justice relating to alleged violations of the International Economic Emergency Powers Act (IEEPA) with Iran, resulting in the dismissal of the client’s jury conviction.
  • Represented a witness in a federal grand jury investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Criminal Investigative Division of the Environmental Protection Agency regarding alleged violations of the Clean Air Act in the automotive industry.
  • Represented multiple individuals in litigation stemming from an investigation into mortgage lending practices by the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB).
  • Successfully prevented prosecutors from charging the head of production at a television production company in a federal grand jury investigation involving alleged criminal antitrust violations and bid-rigging in the advertising industry.
  • Successfully prevented the government from prosecuting a C-suite corporate officer in a parallel U.S. Department of Justice/Securities Exchange Commission investigation involving alleged payments to a government official in Saudi Arabia in violation of the FCPA.
  • Represented a multinational chemical conglomerate in what has been viewed as one of the U.S. Department of Justice’s largest environmental criminal prosecutions to date.
  • Represented a major plaintiff’s class action law firm in a parallel grand jury investigation/criminal prosecution related to allegations of fraud.
  • Representing the owners of the “Bahia Emerald,” one of the world’s largest and most valuable gems, in forfeiture proceedings brought by the government of Brazil and the U.S. Department of Justice, in a case that has been closely monitored by news media and international lawyers.

Internal Investigations and Compliance

  • Representing multinational company in an internal investigation relating to Office of Foreign Asset and Controls (OFAC) export sanctions involving trade with businesses in Crimea and Ukraine.
  • Represented multinational technology corporation in an internal investigation in Russia involving allegations of commercial bribery and bribery of government officials, anti-competitive practices, and theft of trade secrets.
  • Representing the U.S. Department of Justice/Securities and Exchange Commission-appointed Corporate Monitor of a large multinational to oversee its compliance reforms in connection with FCPA bribery, internal controls, and books and records issues.
  • Representing financial payment processor in internal investigation involving fraud and improper revenue recognition.
  • Representing a world-ranked athlete in negotiations with the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) regarding anti-doping testing.

Public Corruption, Conflicts-of-Interest, Campaign Finance, and Election Crimes

  • Represented multiple sitting members of U.S. Congress in federal criminal investigations regarding federal campaign contributions, and use of campaign funds and official resources.
  • Represented voter registration organization in a state investigation regarding allegedly illegal registration practices, resulting in the organization avoiding criminal charges.
  • Representing voter registration organization in ongoing federal and state investigations regarding allegedly illegal registration practices.
  • Obtained a favorable settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice on behalf of a former commissioner for the Broadcasting Board of Governors (the former independent U.S. government agency that supervises Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia, the Middle East Broadcast Networks, and Radio y Television Martí). The settlement, which related to alleged improper ethics filings, avoided a potential lawsuit that could have resulted in severe reputational and financial damage to the client, and was for an amount that was roughly one third of the amount sought by the Department of Justice. Additionally, there was no admission of liability.
  • Represented a senior government official in a grand jury investigation in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania by the U.S. Department of Justice and an agency Office of Inspector General relating to alleged conflicts-of-interest, resulting in no charges and closure of the criminal investigation.
  • Successfully represented a lawyer at trial in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in a case brought by the U.S. Department of Justice involving allegations that attorney-client communications helped facilitate a violation of federal election law.
  • Appellate counsel on behalf of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers as amicus curiae before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in United States v. Valdes, the successful challenge to the conviction of a public official for the alleged receipt of illegal gratuities.
  • Represented a witness in the U.S. Department of Justice criminal investigation of former Washington, D.C., mayor Vincent C. Gray for alleged violations of the election laws.
  • Represented a defense industry executive in an investigation involving the criminal laws relating to post-government employment and conflicts-of-interest, resolving the matter without charges or penalties.
  • Represented Baltimore mayoral candidate in a campaign finance investigation by the Maryland Office of the State Prosecutor, resulting in the investigation’s closing with no charges.
  • Represented a client in the investigation of a sitting governor by the U.S. Department of Justice in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut.


  • Represented True Health Diagnostics, LLC with respect to allegations of fraud relating to Medicare and Medicaid payments under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice.
  • Representing medical testing lab in an investigation by the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts relating to allegedly false claims and kickbacks.
  • Representing medical device company in an investigation by the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania relating to allegedly false claims and kickbacks.
  • Representing a drug/medical-device manufacturer under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for alleged violations of the False Claims Act involving off-label promotion, safety concerns, and improper attempts to secure Food and Drug Administration approval.
  • Represented a pharmacy in a disciplinary hearing by state Board of Pharmacy, resulting in no charges or penalties.

Workplace Harassment

  • Representation of a state delegate in a matter brought by the state assembly regarding allegations that the delegate harassed state employees.
  • Represented key witness before state legislature regarding allegations of sexual assault.

Legislative Investigations


  • Represented clients before investigative committees of various state legislatures.
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