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Three Lawsuits Filed Against the SEC’s New Climate Rules (And Counting)

Public Chatter

Three Lawsuits Filed Against the SEC’s New Climate Rules (And Counting)

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In Friday's blog, Allison Handy and Andrew Moore gave us five superb insights into "top of mind" topics about the SEC's new climate rules that people are talking about. The first item was about how a coalition of 10 Republican-led states announced the filing of a lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. The lawsuit challenges the SEC's statutory authority to make the rule and claims that the rule is arbitrary and capricious under the Administrative Procedure Act.

Now a second group of states has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, as noted in this article. In addition, two energy companies have also filed a lawsuit in the 5th Circuit.

So I imagine this is just the tip of an iceberg and there likely will be quite a few more lawsuits filed – including a possible lawsuit filed by environmental groups challenging the SEC's alleged "arbitrary removal" of the Scope 3 emissions requirements from the SEC's proposed rules…

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