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Public Chatter

Public Chatter provides practical guidance—and the latest developments—to those grappling with public company securities law and corporate governance issues, through content developed from an in-house perspective.   

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The Challenges of Being In-House: Emotional Intelligence Matters

Back when I worked in-house not that long ago, I wrote this piece with Sarah Kalgaard, General Counsel of Vital Images, for the Association of Corporate Counsel about the top ten actions you might consider to help ensure a successful transition to becoming an in-house co View blog post
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How to Make a Climate Pledge Announcement

This blog follows up on my blog about where to start when making a climate pledge and how aspirational it should be. View blog post
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The NYSE Changes Its Related Party Transaction Rule (Again)

A few months ago, I blogged about four things to do now that the NYSE has changed its related party transaction rule. View blog post
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Nasdaq’s “Board Diversity” FAQs: 45 & Growing

A few weeks ago, I blogged about 5 things you should know about Nasdaq's new board diversity disclosure requirement. View blog post
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Should In-House Lawyers Keep Track of SEC Comment Letter Trends?

In a word, probably not. Okay, that's two words. I find that some in-house lawyers will look at the SEC Staff comment letters sent to their peer companies to get an inkling of what the Staff might ask their company about their 10-Ks and 10-Qs. But otherwise, keeping track of comment letter trends is something that law firms and the Big 4 tend to handle for them. View blog post
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Where to Start When Considering a Climate Pledge

So many companies have already announced a climate pledge that this topic has sort of been beaten to death. But some of the issues to consider bear repeating for those who still haven't taken the plunge. View blog post
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“Well, That Didn’t Work.” Handling the Disclosure Implications of Getting Out of a Business Line

Following up on my latest blog about new lines of business, no one hits a home run every time. Not even the best of companies. Sometimes a line of business will be shut down. View blog post
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The SEC Brings Another Cyber Breach Disclosure Case! 5 Things to Consider

For years, we've heard that the SEC's Enforcement Division has been policing cybersecurity breach disclosures and related disclosure controls. The SEC has conducted a number of SEC investigations over that time, but very few of those have seen the light of day. View blog post
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When Should a Pre-IPO Company Start Worrying About Shareholder Engagement?

If you're a private company seeking to go public someday, you probably spend a lot of time worrying about raising the next round and keeping the ship afloat. View blog post
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ESG Diligence: Why You Need to Check EPA & Other Environmental Databases

You might find that potential customers or suppliers suddenly get cold feet with you. They indicate you're not environmentally-friendly enough for their business. Your company is green and complies with environmental laws. What gives? It simply could be a matter of a governmental administrative mishap. View blog post
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Closing the Insider Trading Window for Climate Events

As extreme climate events move from the nearly impossible to possible - and even probable - circumstances are likely to arise that cause you to consider closing the trading window for insiders. View blog post
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You Asked for It! An ESG Materiality Graphic

During our recent webcast - "The ESG Cutting Edge: Reporting & Engagement" – an audience member asked for a graphic to help explain the sometimes confusing variety of "materiality" definitions that arise when talking about ESG issues. View blog post
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Our "Shareholder Engagement Workshop" - Mock Engagement & More...

We've decided to hold a second installment of our popular "Shareholder Engagement Workshop" for in-house practitioners as the initial one filled to capacity so quickly. It's being held next Tuesday, August 17th - so if you're in-house and interested, please drop me a line and I'll shoot over an invite. Here's how the workshop works: 1. View blog post
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5 Things to Know About Nasdaq’s Board Diversity Disclosure Requirement

On Friday, the SEC issued this 82-page Order approving both Nasdaq's proposed board diversity disclosure requirement and a proposed board recruiting service proposal. Both of these proposals were originally proposed last December and then amended in February. View blog post
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Yes, You Can Disclaim Beneficial Ownership in a Form 4 in Appropriate Circumstances

Unless you're a diehard Section 16 fan, you might not realize that reporting securities as "indirectly owned through others" is not a binding admission of beneficial ownership. That can be a tough concept to grasp. It doesn't seem real sometimes. Although not common, there certainly are situations where the extent of an insider's beneficial ownership isn't clear. View blog post
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