Mark Birnbaum
- 全所管理委员会和执行委员会成员
Mark Birnbaum 是博钦事务所合伙人,执业领域侧重于房地产和房地产金融。他在全美与众多贷款机构和商业地产抵押担保证券(CMBS)服务机构就不动产担保贷款重整和银行回收屋(REO)的处置进行合作,包括贷款重组,按揭修改,贷款承担,贷款宽限,贴现偿付,以司法或非司法途径取消抵押品赎回权,破产,担保人诉讼和破产管理人的任命。
- 加州大学洛杉矶分校, J.D., 1991
- 纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校, B.A., 历史, 1988
- 美国加利福尼亚州中区联邦地区法院,司法实习,1990
2008 - 2022 入选《美国最佳律师》:房地产法
Real Estate Workouts
Disposition of Hotels
Represented a CMBS Noteholder in the disposition of numerous limited service hotels in the Pacific Northwest and California.
Workout of a Chicago Manufacturing Facility
Represented a CMBS Noteholder in the full recovery, including yield maintenance, of a $23 Million defaulted loan secured by a manufacturing facility in Chicago, IL.
Workout of a Provo, Utah Mall
Represented a CMBS Noteholder in the restructure of a $26 million loan secured by a mall in Provo, UT.
Workout of a San Francisco Office Building
Represented a CMBS Noteholder in the workout of a $46 Million loan secured by a San Francisco, CA office building.
Real Estate
Disposition of Entitled Land
Represented a national bank in the disposition of vacant entitled land in Southern California.
Walgreen's Drug Store Leasing and Disposition
Represented a Southern California developer in the leasing and disposition of multiple Walgreen’s drug store sites.