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介忠安 Jon B. Jacobs

Profile photo for Jonathan B. Jacobs
Profile photo for Jonathan B. Jacobs

介忠安 Jon B. Jacobs

Jon Jacobs 是一名反垄断领域诉讼律师和出庭律师。在美国司法部反垄断部门担任诉讼律师的 27 年中,积累了刑事和民事案件的丰富经验。2011 年他获得司法部颁发的特别奖项,表彰其在反垄断领域诉讼领域的长期成就。

Jon 曾审理过并购、垄断、独家经营、信息交流方面的民事案件。他领导过大陪审团调查并审理过涉及价格垄断、围标以及市场分配等刑事反垄断案件。他处理过官方行业领域的诉讼案件,特别侧重医疗保健和健康保险领域。

Jon 在美国诉 Anthem (2016 哥伦比亚特区联邦地区法院) 一案中担任首席出庭律师,在该案中,政府成功质疑了 Anthem 拟 540 亿美元收购信诺保险公司 (Cigna) 的计划。Jon 带领一支庞大的律师团队迅速行动,在申诉提交后的仅仅四个月就开始了审理。Jon 审理过的其他民事案件包括:美国诉 Dean Foods Co. (2010 威斯康星东区联邦地区法院) (挑战乳品行业的合并);美国诉联合健康集团 (UnitedHealth Group,Inc.) (2005 哥伦比亚特区联邦地区法院) (美国联合健康收购其竞争对手健康保险公司);美国诉登士柏国际集团 (2002 特拉华州联邦地区法院) (大型牙科产品供应商的独家经营和垄断维持);美国诉 Mercy Health Services (1994 爱荷华州北区联邦地区法院) (挑战医院行业的合并)。

在 2012 年美国诉友达光电(AU Optronics)的刑事案件中 (2012 加州北区联邦地区法院),Jon 担任首席律师,在庭审中证明经济收益问题。该案件是政府首次根据《可替代罚款法案》证明来自价格垄断的经济收益。由于原告的努力,使得被告公司不得不支付5亿美元的罚款。从 2012 年到 2016 年,他领导大陪审团调查国际市场分配共谋行为。很多涉案公司认罪,被罚款总计超过 2.3 亿美元,且 4 个高管刑期之和达 65 个月。

Jon 曾在美国国家审判抗辩学院(National Institute of Trial Advocacy)和美国司法部全国辩护中心教授审判和诉讼辩护。Jon 曾与很多其他国家的竞争监管当局进行切磋,包括亚洲、欧洲、北美、南美和澳洲。



  • 密歇根大学法学院, J.D., 1986
  • 密歇根州立大学, B.A., 荣誉毕业, 1982


  • District of Columbia
  • 美国最高法院
  • 美国联邦第四巡回上诉法院
  • 美国联邦第五巡回上诉法院
  • 美国哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉法院
  • 美国波多黎各联邦地区法院
  • 美国威斯康星州东区联邦地区法院
  • 美国哥伦比亚特区联邦地区法院
  • 美国马里兰州联邦地区法院


  • 美国司法部反垄断局, 哥伦比亚特区,出庭律师,1990 - 2017
  • 美国检察官办公室, 弗吉尼亚州东区, 亚历山大, 弗吉尼亚州, 美国检察官特别助理, 1999
  • Pepper, Hamilton & Scheetz, 哥伦比亚特区,律师, 1986 - 1990


  • 司法部杰出服务奖, 2012

  • 休·莫里森奖(杰出职业诉讼律师长期成就奖),2011



  • 美国国家审判抗辩学院, 讲师
  • 美国司法部全国辩护中心, 讲师
  • 美国律师协会,反垄断部,成员
  • 美国健康律师协会,反垄断业务组,成员


Civil Antitrust Investigations & Litigation

Federal and State Government Antitrust Investigations

Represent companies in investigations conducted by federal antitrust agencies and state attorneys general.

In re Cattle Antitrust Litigation

U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota
Represent Defendant Tyson Foods, Inc. in putative class action alleging price fixing and market allocation agreements affecting the purchase of fed cattle.

Peterson, et al. v. JBS USA Food Co. Holdings, et al.

U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota
Represent Defendant Tyson Foods, Inc. in putative class action alleging price fixing agreements affecting the sale of processed beef products.

CollegeNET, Inc. v. The Common Application, Inc.

U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon
Represent plaintiff in case challenging exclusive dealing and monopoly maintenance in online college application processing services market.

U.S. v. AT&T Inc., DirecTV Group Holdings, LLC & Time Warner Inc.

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Represented third party in case challenging AT&T’s acquisition of Time Warner.

Crowder v. LinkedIn Corporation

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Represent Defendant LinkedIn Corporation in putative class action alleging monopolization, attempted monopolization, and unreasonable restraints of trade in violation of Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act.

In re Thalomid and Revlimid Antitrust Litigation

U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey
Represented third party in case challenging monopoly maintenance in the pharmaceutical industry.

U.S., et al. v. Anthem, Inc. and Cigna Corp.

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Lead trial attorney for the United States in 20-day bench trial, successfully challenging Anthem’s proposed $54 billion acquisition of Cigna Corporation. 236 F.Supp.3d 171 (D.D.C. 2017), aff’d 855 F.3d 345 (D.C. Cir. 2017).*

U.S., et al. v. Dean Foods Company

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin
Lead litigation attorney for the United States in case challenging Dean Foods’ acquisition of two fluid milk processing plants in Wisconsin. Case settled after extensive discovery.*

U.S., et al. v. Dairy Farmers of America, Inc. and Southern Belle Dairy Co.

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky
Lead attorney for United States in case challenging DFA’s acquisition of a partial ownership interest in a fluid milk processing plant in Kentucky. Case settled on the eve of trial.*

U.S. v. Dentsply International, Inc.

U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
Co-lead trial attorney for the United States in 17-day bench trial, challenging exclusive dealing and monopoly maintenance by dominant manufacturer of prefabricated artificial teeth. Adverse district court opinion reversed by Court of Appeals on clear error grounds. 277 F.Supp.2d 387 (D.Del. 2003), reversed 399 F.3d 181 (3d Cir. 2005).*

U.S. v. UPM-Kymmene Oyj, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
Member of trial staff for the United States in case successfully challenging merger in pressure sensitive label stock industry. 2003 WL 21781902 (N.D. Ill., July 25, 2003).*

U.S. v. Brown University, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
Member of trial staff for the United States in case successfully challenging price fixing and agreements not to compete by MIT and the eight Ivy League universities. 805 F.Supp. 288 (E.D. Pa. 1992), aff’d in part, rev’d in part, 5 F.3d 658 (3d Cir. 1993).*

U.S. v. General Electric Company and InnoServ Technologies, Inc.

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Lead attorney for the United States in case challenging acquisition by GE Medical Systems of competitor in market to service medical imaging equipment.*

U.S. v. Altivity Packaging, LLC and Graphic Packaging International, Inc.

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Case challenging merger in coated recycled boxboard industry.*

U.S. v. Professional Consultants Insurance Company, Inc.

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Case challenging information exchange among actuarial consulting firms.*


*Prior experience.

Criminal Investigations & Litigation

Representing corporate and individual clients in ongoing antitrust grand jury investigations.

International Roll-on, Roll-off Cargo Grand Jury Investigation

U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland
From 2012 to 2016, lead prosecutor in investigation of conspiracy to allocate customers and rig bids for international ocean shipping of roll-on, roll-off cargo such as cars and trucks. During that time, four corporations pleaded guilty and were sentenced to pay fines totaling more than $230 million, and four individuals pleaded guilty and were sentenced to a total of 65 months in prison.*

U.S. v. AU Optronics Corp., et al.

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Lead prosecutor on economic gains issue in eight-week jury trial charging two corporations and five individuals with conspiring to fix prices of liquid crystal display panels. Guilty verdicts and $500 million fine imposed on corporation affirmed on appeal. 778 F.3d 738 (9th Cir. 2014).*

U.S. v. [--]

U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico
Co-lead prosecutor in three-week jury trial against individual executive charged with conspiring to fix shipping rates on freight between the United States and Puerto Rico.*

Marine Hose Grand Jury Investigation

U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida
Investigation of conspiracy to allocate market shares and rig bids for sales of marine hose used to transport crude oil. Lead prosecutor in cases against one corporate co-conspirator (which pleaded guilty and agreed to pay a $3.5 million fine) and two individual co-conspirators (who pleaded guilty and were each sentenced to 14 months in prison).*

Marine Fenders Grand Jury Investigation

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
Investigation of conspiracy to rig bids for sales of foam-filled marine fenders and buoys. Lead prosecutor in case against Chief Executive Officer of corporate conspirator, who pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 18 months in prison.*


*Prior experience.

Healthcare & Health Insurance

Advising healthcare provider clients on antitrust issues arising during contract and joint venture negotiations.

U.S., et al. v. Anthem, Inc. and Cigna Corp.

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Lead trial attorney for the United States in 20-day bench trial, successfully challenging Anthem’s proposed $54 billion acquisition of Cigna Corporation. 236 F.Supp.3d 171 (D.D.C. 2017), aff’d 855 F.3d 345 (D.C. Cir. 2017).*

U.S. v. UnitedHealth Group, Inc. and PacifiCare Health Systems, Inc.

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Lead attorney for the United States in case challenging merger of two health insurance companies.*

U.S. v. Mercy Health Services and Finley Tri-States Health Group, Inc.

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Iowa
Member of trial staff for the United States in case challenging hospital merger in Dubuque, Iowa. 902 F.Supp. 968 (N.D. Iowa 1995).*

U.S. v. Morton Plant Health System, Inc. and Trustees of Mease Hospital, Inc.

U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida
Case challenging hospital merger in Pinellas County, Florida.*

Lead attorney for the United States in numerous investigations of other hospital and health insurance mergers, as well as investigations of health insurers’ use of Most Favored Nations clauses.*


*Prior experience.

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