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Alan Howard

Profile photo for Alan B. Howard
Profile photo for Alan B. Howard

Alan Howard

Seasoned trial attorney Alan represents clients in complex commercial disputes, cross-border litigation, and international arbitration.

Alan Howard skillfully manages clients engaged in multiple proceedings in multiple jurisdictions, including companies involved in high-stakes commercial contract disputes related to manufacturing, production and distribution of goods, technology and software issues, as well as domestic and global joint ventures.

Alan has successfully defended companies and individual directors in shareholder class actions in state and federal courts, most recently in Delaware, California, New York, and Georgia. In addition, Alan has particular experience counseling financial institutions on anti-money laundering regulations and compliance.

In addition to over three decades of experience trying cases at the state and federal levels, Alan is experienced in arbitration proceedings under the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA), Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services (JAMS), and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). He has also served as an arbitrator in ICC proceedings. Alan counsels clients across a range of industries, including software development, biotech, financial services, transportation, manufacturing, agriculture, telecommunications, and retail and consumer products.

Alan has also successfully defended companies and individual directors in consumer and shareholder class actions in state and federal courts, including courts in Delaware, California, New York, and Georgia. In addition, Alan has experience counseling financial institutions on anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and compliance.

Maintaining a robust pro bono practice, Alan has been recognized by the American Bar Association, Public Justice, The American Lawyer, and the Financial Times for his service as lead counsel in an action involving claims of forced labor, trafficking in forced labor, civil RICO, discrimination and fraud brought on behalf of hundreds of skilled workers from India. He also worked on the prominent civil rights case involving the "Jena 6" in Louisiana.

Education & Credentials


  • Harvard Law School, J.D., cum laude, 1987
  • Yale University, B.A., magna cum laude, 1984

Bar and Court Admissions

  • New York
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
  • U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
  • U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York

Professional Recognition

  • Listed in Thomson Reuters “Stand-out Lawyers,” 2024

  • Recognized by Super Lawyers Magazine as a New York Super Lawyer, 2018-2023

  • Awarded “Trial Lawyer of the Year” by Public Justice, 2015

  • Received “Global Pro Bono Dispute of the Year” and “Global Citizenship (Grand Prize Winner)” award from The American Lawyer, 2015

  • Recognized as “Innovative Lawyer of the Year,” Social Responsibility-Pro Bono Cases category by Financial Times, 2015

  • Received “Pro Bono Publico Award” from ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono, 2014


Professional Leadership

  • SPLC Action Fund, Chair of the Board, 2018-present
  • Constitutional Rights Foundation, Board Member, 2022
  • Southern Poverty Law Center, Board of Directors, Former Chair

Professional Experience


Alan representative matters include:

  • Successfully defended a software technology company in a Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services (JAMS) arbitration over an earnout dispute arising out of a merger and acquisition (M&A).
  • Successfully represented a software operating system developer in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration involving a dispute over fees owed by a foreign licensee.
  • Successfully resolved claims against a payment system provider arising out of a data breach at a restaurant chain.
  • Successfully settled claims for consumer fraud and unjust enrichment asserted by putative national and New York plaintiff classes.
  • Secured an arbitration award for breach and repudiation of a 15-year coal transportation agreement, over the assertion of a force majeure defense, on behalf of railroad against an owner of coal-fired power generation plants.*
  • Represented the owner of an environmental plant in a dispute with the plant operator over claims of force majeure.
  • Handled multiple domestic and international arbitrations involving technology and software development and licensing agreements.
  • Represented a private equity acquisition search firm in a dispute over a finder’s fee.
  • Represented the manufacturer of industrial equipment in a dispute over an exclusive output contract.*
  • Successfully defended an international financial institution against fraud claims in New York.*
  • Represented companies and individual directors in the successful defense of shareholder class actions in state and federal courts, including in Delaware, California, New York, and Georgia.*
  • Prevailed on behalf of an automotive parts manufacturer in an ICC arbitration arising out of the sale of a division, and specifically involving claims related to manufacturing processes.*
  • Mediated a dispute on behalf of a worldwide leader in the development and supply of agricultural products involving a biotech licensing agreement.*
  • Achieved an arbitration award for a major telecommunications company to enforce an indemnification agreement.*
  • Represented an international infrastructure company in litigation relating to road and water projects in Africa.*
  • Prevailed at trial on behalf of a retailer charged with theft of trade secrets.*
  • Represented a global financial institution in mass tort litigation in the U.S.*
  • Achieved at arbitration an award in favor of international manufacturers of high-speed trains arising out of a development contract for a multibillion-dollar project in Asia.*
  • Represented a manufacturer of high speed trains in litigating and mediating its disputes with Amtrak relating to the construction of the Acela.*
  • Arbitrated on behalf of an insurance company its dispute arising out of the termination of software contracts.*
  • Resolved breach of contract and patent litigation claims in the United States on behalf of a German medical device manufacturer.*
  • Achieved a verdict at trial in favor of a telecommunications company in a false advertising lawsuit.*
  • Successfully represented at trial a sporting goods manufacturer against patent licensing claims.*
  • Defended to verdict individual and third-party payor claims against a tobacco manufacturer in smoking and health litigation.*

*Prior firm experience.

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