Community Involvement
We have an extensive, successful community service program that supports and promotes community service activities for lawyers and business professionals.

Our Community Service Committee oversees programs for our offices, teams and individuals, and promotes, supports and facilitates volunteerism throughout the firm.
Our community service program operates on several levels. At the firm level, Perkins Coie:
- Makes charitable contributions to deserving organizations;
- Encourages all personnel to contribute to the United Way through regular payroll deductions; and
- Sponsors major fund-raising events, such as organized runs, and supports lawyers and business professionals participating in the events.
On a smaller scale, lawyers and business professionals, sometimes singly, sometimes in groups, are involved in many projects, ranging from painting a day-care center in a poor neighborhood to spending the lunch hour helping out at a local senior center. In addition, we'll frequently partner with clients on community service projects, both large and small. Lawyers and business professionals work hand-in-hand on these projects, with each person contributing his or her talent, time and energy.
We are committed to continuing our efforts in sharing our knowledge and resources with the communities in which we live and work.