Interactive Entertainment Advertising, Marketing & Promotions Apparel & Footwear Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Cannabis Law Digital Media & Entertainment, Gaming & Sports Energy Infrastructure & Clean Technology Financial Services & Investments Food & Beverage Food & Consumer Packaged Goods Litigation Food Regulatory Immersive Technology Life Sciences & Healthcare Mining Music, Film & Television Oil & Gas Outdoor Regulated Gaming Retail & Consumer Products Sports Technology & Communications Corporate Law Emerging Companies & Venture Capital Law Ethics & Compliance International Trade Latin America Practice Litigation Mergers & Acquisitions Securities and Commodities Enforcement White Collar & Investigations Washington D.C. Austin Denver Los Angeles New York Palo Alto Phoenix San Francisco Seattle Partner The George Washington University Law School The University of Chicago Wake Forest University Washington and Lee University District of Columbia New York U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2 results for Interactive Entertainment Interactive Entertainment Reset Jamie A. Schafer Partner White Collar & Investigations Washington, D.C., New York Kyle B. Simon Partner Mergers & Acquisitions Washington, D.C.