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2019 Augmented and Virtual Reality Survey Results

2019 Augmented and Virtual Reality Survey Results

Industry leaders weigh in on the future of AR and VR

Perkins Coie surveyed 200 startup founders, technology company executives, investors and consultants on key challenges and opportunities in the immersive technology space. The survey findings depict a broad sense of optimism within the enormous potential of immersive technology as we enter the third decade of the 21st century. But similar to findings from past surveys, concerns remain about the quality of user experience and available content offerings, along with the pace of adoption.

View the 2019 Report

2019 ARVR Infographic ThumbnailWhat areas are expected to attract the most AR/VR/XR investment? Is AR/VR moving to more collaborative and social experiences? What legal issues are of greatest concern to industry insiders? See highlights of the 2019 Augmented and Virtual Reality Survey Report.

View the 2019 Infographic

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