SEC's Climate Rule Litigation: The Zig and the Zag

There seems to be a development in the litigation filed over the SEC's new climate rules every few days. So we've spared you the daily update. But it seems to be worth blogging once that there is such a thing happening just so you have one more thing to feel like you're missing out on.
The latest is that the two companies that filed the lawsuit in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that resulted in a temporary stay granted by a three-judge panel in that court have now filed a request for a new administrative stay and a stay pending judicial review in the 8th Circuit, where the group of lawsuits over the SEC's rules has been consolidated (as noted in this blog).
The 5th Circuit temporary stay was lifted when the lawsuits were consolidated in the 8th Circuit. So these two fracking companies seek for the SEC's rules to be stayed again. "FOMOCLD" = "Fear of Missing Out on Climate Litigation Developments" is a real thing...
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