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Competition Concerns in the Age of AI

Competition Concerns in the Age of AI

Intellectual Property

Antitrust is the engine of free enterprise: it shapes countless lines of commerce, from tech to toilets, beer to baseball and healthcare to hardware. Antitrust drives price, quality, variety, innovation and opportunity.

Today, artificial intelligence is rapidly changing how businesses sense, reason and adapt in the market. Across every industry, companies are leveraging machine learning to derive valuable insights without extensive employee involvement. But these groundbreaking capabilities are creating an upheaval in how companies engage with competitors and consumers.

Experienced competition and consumer protection lawyers can help companies capitalize on the opportunities AI presents while navigating the terra nova of regulatory and litigation risk. Although it is incorrect to approach AI as a black box, the complexity of AI systems can make reasoning opaque. This means linkages between AI outputs and rational business justifications risk being obscured or even lost entirely.

Read the full article on TechCrunch.*


*Subscription-based publication

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