California Land Use & Development Law Report

California Land Use & Development Law Report
California Land Use & Development Law Report offers insights into legal issues relating to development and use of land and federal, state and local permitting and approval processes.

Supreme Court Rules Legislatively Adopted Exactions Not Exempt From Nollan/Dolan Scrutiny
Belatedly Filed Amendment to Petition Challenging a Specific Plan Did Not Relate Back to Premature Challenge Filed Before Specific Plan Was Enacted

Belatedly Filed Amendment to Petition Challenging a Specific Plan Did Not Relate Back to Premature Challenge Filed Before Specific Plan Was Enacted
Petitioner’s challenge to a Specific Plan, which was filed before that plan was adopted, was barred as premature, and its belated attempt to amend its petition after the Specific Plan had been adopted was barred by the statute of limitations. Fix the City, Inc. v. City of Los Angeles, 100 Cal. App. 5th 363 (2024).

Lot Created on 1869 Map and Conveyed With Fewer Than Four Other Lots Was Lawfully Subdivided
The First District Court of Appeal held that a single deed conveying four or fewer contiguous lots can qualify for a presumption of legality under section 66412.6(a) of the Subdivision Map Act so long as the lots are separately described (including by reference to an antiquated subdivision map) and all other requirements of section 66412.6(a) are satisfied.

Agreement Purporting to Prevent City from Imposing New Impact Fees on Project Infringed Police Powers
The Court of Appeal held that a city-developer agreement that ostensibly precluded the City of Oakland from imposing any new impact fees on the project constituted an impermissible infringement of the City's police power. Discovery Builders Inc v City of Oakland, 92 Cal. App. 5th 799 (2023).

CERCLA Contribution Action Not Barred by Claim Preclusion
Contribution claims brought under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) are not barred by prior environmental litigation if the property at issue and types of claims brought are distinct from previous claims. GP Vincent III v. Estate of Beard, No. 21-16555 (9th. Cir. May 17, 2023).

Preliminary Injunctions in CEQA Cases Require an Evaluation of Harm to the Public Interest in Informed Decision-Making
Concluding that it was a "near certainty" that the Stratford Public Utility District (SPUD) failed to comply with CEQA when it granted an easement for a water pipeline, the appellate court vacated an order denying a preliminary injunction that would have halted construction and operation of the pipeline, and ordered the trial court to reconsider. Tulare Lake Canal Co. v.

Neighbor’s Appeal of Planning Commission Decision Did Not Support Anti-SLAPP Motion
The Court of Appeal ruled that the protected speech or petitioning activity on which an anti-SLAPP motion is based must be a target of the suit and not merely an event that triggered claims unrelated to such speech or activity. Durkin v. City and County of San Francisco, 90 Cal.App.5th 643 (2023).

Units Converted from One Residential Use to Another Are Not Exempt from Rent Control under Costa-Hawkins
Remodeled residential units converted from space long dedicated to residential use are not considered new construction and are not exempt from local rent control under the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act. NCR Properties, LLC v. City of Berkeley, No. A163003 (1st Dist., March 9, 2023).

Court Orders Refund of All Unexpended Fees in Landmark Mitigation Fee Act Case
A recent case involving developer Charles Keenan and the City of Palo Alto highlights the importance of strict compliance with Mitigation Fee Act's requirement that findings be made every five years concerning unexpended fees.

City Lacked Authority to Close Public Street for Installation of Marilyn Monroe Statue
The City of Palm Springs' three-year closure of a public street for installation of a statue was unlawful because the Vehicle Code permits only temporary closure of streets for parades or other short-term events, not multi-year closure for installation of semi-permanent structures. Committee to Relocate Marilyn v. City of Palm Springs, 88 Cal.App.5th 607 (2023).

33rd Annual Land Use and Development Law Briefing — Materials Available
Attorneys from Perkins Coie presented the 33rd Annual Land Use and Development Law Briefing on January 31, 2023.
Topics included:

2022 Land Use and Development Law Case Summaries

Meritless CEQA Suit Warranted Malicious Prosecution Claim Against Attorney
The court of appeal held that an attorney's actions in filing and prosecuting a meritless challenge to construction of a single-family home supported a claim for malicious prosecution. Jenkins v. Brandt-Hawley, No A162852 (1st Dist., Dec 28, 2022).

90-Day Limitations Period in Government Code § 65009 Applied to Political Reform Act Challenge to Land-Use Permits
A suit seeking to set aside land-use approvals based on an alleged bribery scheme in violation of the Political Reform Act was subject to the 90-day statute of limitations for actions challenging land-use decisions. AIDS Healthcare Foundation v. City of Los Angeles, No. B311144 (2nd Dist., Dec. 14, 2022).