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California Land Use & Development Law Report

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California Land Use & Development Law Report

California Land Use & Development Law Report offers insights into legal issues relating to development and use of land and federal, state and local permitting and approval processes. View posts by topic. Subscribe 🡢

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Court Upholds Equitable Easement Between Neighbors in Property Line Dispute

The court reversed a decision to grant an implied easement between two homeowners but upheld granting an equitable easement. Romero v. Shih, 78 Cal. App. 5th 326 (2022).

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Court Upholds EIR for Kern River Diversion and Storage Project

A California Court of Appeal held that the EIR for a public water authority's river diversion and water storage project adequately described the unadjudicated waters to be diverted and adequately analyzed impacts to water rights and groundwater supply. Buena Vista Water Storage District v. Kern Water Bank Authority 76 Cal. App. 5th 576 (2022).

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County Did Not Violate Its Duties Under CEQA By Approving a Project at the Density Agreed to in a Stipulated Judgment

The court held that the County of Marin did not abdicate its duties under CEQA when it approved a specific project pursuant to a stipulated judgment. Tiburon Open Space Committee v. County of Marin, 78 Cal. App. 5th 700 (2022).

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EIR Recirculation Not Required Although Final Version of Approved Project Was Not Specifically Evaluated in EIR

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Ninth Circuit Holds Terms of Management Agency Agreement Governing Non-Point Source Pollution on Federal Lands Supersedes Other State Law Requirements

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Real Estate and Housing Construction

CEQA Challenge to Campus Town Project in Monterey County Was Untimely


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EIR’s Statement of Project Objectives Was Unduly Narrow

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Housing Buildings

Ban on Short-Term Rentals Required Coastal Commission Approval

The Court of Appeal held that absent a distinction between short- and long-term rentals, both are permitted under city zoning ordinances, and any ban on short-term rentals that changes the status quo is an amendment that requires Coastal Commission approval. Darby T. Keen v. City of Manhattan Beach 77 Cal. App. 5th 142 (2022).

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Gavel Court Judge

Order Denying Writ of Administrative Mandamus is a Final, Appealable Judgment

The Court of Appeal held that a ruling denying a petition for writ of mandate constitutes the final judgment in the case and triggers the 60-day period for filing an appeal. Meinhardt v. City of Sunnyvale, 76 Cal.App.5th 43 (2022).

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Housing Real Estate

Suit Challenging City’s Interpretation of 20-Year-Old Affordable Housing Agreement Was Timely

The Court of Appeal ruled that a suit concerning an affordable housing fee that plaintiff had agreed to pay two decades earlier was still timely because the 90-day limitations period under the Subdivision Map Act did not begin to run until a dispute arose over the interpretation of provisions in the affordable housing agreement. Schmeir v. City of Berkeley, 76 Cal. App.

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Claims Against State Board and Regional Water Boards for Failure to Protect Against Agricultural Water Pollution Were Not Subject to Declaratory and Mandamus Relief

The court of appeal held that, in an action against the State Water Resources Control Board and regional water quality control boards for violations of the State Board's Nonpoint Source (NPS) Policy and the public trust doctrine for failure to protect against agricultural water pollution from crop irrigation, plaintiffs failed to state claims for which either declaratory or mandamus relief was

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EIR For Martis Valley Project Near Lake Tahoe Rejected on Four Grounds But Wildfire Evacuation Analysis Complied with CEQA

In a lengthy opinion tackling several of CEQA's hot topics, a court of appeal has rejected the EIR for the Martis Valley West project, finding its Lake Tahoe water quality analysis, GHG and traffic mitigation measures, and energy analysis inadequate. League to Save Lake Tahoe Mountain Area Preservation Foundation v. County of Placer, 75 Cal.App.5th 63 (2022). View blog post
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EIR for Water Ditch to Pipeline Conversion Adequately Described Project and Analyzed Impacts to Resources

The EIR for a water ditch to underground pipeline conversion project withstood challenges to the project description and impacts analysis. The Third Appellate District held that the project description sufficiently disclosed the importance of the existing ditch to stormwater runoff and the EIR adequately analyzed impacts to hydrology, biological resources, and wildfire risks. View blog post
Housing Real Estate

Action Challenging Restrictions on Short-Term Vacation Rentals Was Barred by 90-Day Statute of Limitations

The Court of Appeal held that an action to set aside an ordinance restricting short-term vacation rentals. View blog post
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No Further Environmental Review Needed for Subdivision That Was Consistent with Approved Specific Plan

The Court of Appeal found that a development project that was consistent with a previously approved specific plan was not required to prepare a new EIR because no changes significantly increased impacts on endangered species. View blog post
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