Update: Ninth Circuit Rules Employers May Be Liable for Coworker Social Media Harassment Outside Workplace
In this episode, Linda and Neela explore the critical topic of sexual harassment outside the physical workplace, focusing on the case Okonowsky v. Garland.
The discussion centers around how online harassment can create a hostile work environment and emphasizes employers' responsibility to investigate such complaints thoroughly. Furthermore, Linda and Neela highlight the necessity of establishing clear anti-harassment and social media policies, as well as adapting to the shifting workplace dynamics in the wake of Covid-19. Through illustrative scenarios and practical advice, the episode equips employers with knowledge regarding how to manage the nuances of online harassment effectively.
Workplace Rules
Hosted by Perkins Coie’s Labor & Employment lawyers, Workplace Rules offers engaging discussions with in-house professionals, outside counsel, and leading experts on current labor and employment law topics, including regulatory changes and trends in litigation.