A New Guide: "In-House Perspectives - Proxy Season"

In this "In-House Perspectives: Proxy Season" Guide, I have compiled the various "In-House Corners" in which our in-house readers have shared tips, anecdotes, and thoughts about topics that arise in their daily practice as they relate to the proxy season. The topics include:
- Shareholder Engagement
- Proxy Drafting Tips
- Keeping Sane (Or Not) During the Proxy Season
- Virtual Annual Meetings
- Shareholder Proposals
- Shareholder Proposals: Checklist of Items When Your Receive a Proposal
- Using Proxy Solicitors
- Working With Broadridge During the Proxy Season
- How This Proxy Season Is Faring So Far
Public Chatter
Public Chatter provides practical guidance—and the latest developments—to those grappling with public company securities law and corporate governance issues, through content developed from an in-house perspective.