California Legislature Considers Bill Requiring Warnings on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
The California legislature is considering a bill that would require warnings on sugar-sweetened beverages sold in California. SB 1000, sponsored by California state senator Bill Monning, would create the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Safety Warning Act. The measure defines sugar-sweetened beverages as beverages with added caloric sweeteners and more than 75 calories per 12 fluid ounces. It contains carve-outs for 100% fruit or vegetable juices, dietary aids, infant formulas and beverages whose principal ingredient is milk. If enacted, the measure would require all sugar-sweetened beverages sold in California to bear the following warning:
STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAFETY WARNING: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.
Vending machines and other places where sugar-sweetened beverages are sold in California would be required to display the same warning. Violators would be subject to a civil penalty of $50-500. The California senate's health committee passed the bill by a 5-2 vote on April 9. The bill will now go before the state appropriations committee, which plans to hold a hearing on the bill today.Print and share
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