Professional Biography
Wonji Kerper

Wonji Kerper Associate

  • Los Angeles

    D +1.206.359.3795

    F +1.206.359.4795

    Los Angeles

    1888 Century Park East, Suite 1700

    Los Angeles, CA 90067-1721






  • The FTC’s Latest AI and Your Business

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently published a new blog post within its series titled “AI and Your Business.” The post emphasized the FTC’s views on the importance of accuracy, transparency, and privacy as brands continue to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) in their businesses, particularly through anthropomorphic AI chatbots and avatars. The FTC specifically recommends...
  • CARU Issues Warning About Using AI in Child-Directed Advertising and Data Collection

    Key Updates: CARU recently issued a compliance warning to put advertisers, brands, endorsers, developers, toy manufacturers, and others on notice that the Advertising Guidelines and Privacy Guidelines apply to the use of AI in advertising to and collecting personal data from children under 13. A few highlights from the compliance warning follow. Brands should: For...
  • Junk Fees Under Scrutiny: FTC Issues Proposed Rulemaking

    Key Updates: Two types of fees are prohibited by the proposed rule: The Commission voted 3-0 to approve the publication of the notice of proposed rulemaking. Consumers have 60 days after the notice is published in the Federal Register to submit comments electronically. The FTC proposal is part of a larger effort to combat hidden...
  • FTC Staff Perspective: Preventing Blurred Advertising to Children

    The FTC released a staff paper in September 2023 directed at businesses and social media influencers who promote products to children online. The paper includes findings from the FTC’s October 2022 workshop, “Protecting Kids From Stealth Advertising in Digital Media,” which addressed the issue of blurred advertising that makes it hard for children to distinguish...



Bar and Court Admissions

  • California
  • Washington


  • University of Washington School of Law, J.D., 2020, Executive Translation Editor, Washington International Law Journal
  • Institut de Hautes Ḗtudes Internationales et du Development, M.A., International Law, 2015
  • Ewha Womans University, B.A., International Studies, magna cum laude, 2013


  • Korean