We are guided by a strategic plan in lateral partner hiring, carefully considering the firm’s vision for sustained success, our defining cultural values, challenges facing the industry and the firm, and certain high-profile geographies and practice areas.

While the firm is committed to strategic hiring, we also hire when the right candidate and opportunity warrant doing so. Despite the current economic environment, we continue to pursue thoughtful lateral growth, and have successfully onboarded lateral partners and senior counsel in today’s remote workplace.

Our vision is to be the most trusted advisor to the world’s most innovative companies and industry leaders. We earn this trust each day by providing high-value, strategic solutions and extraordinary client service on matters vital to our clients’ success. We accomplish our vision through a “one firm” culture that reflects deep dedication to each other, our clients, and our communities.


Perkins Coie has been named among the "100 Best Companies to Work For" for 22 consecutive years by Fortune, 2003 – 2024

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Integration of our lateral partners is a top priority, and we have dedicated professionals to onboarding and integration for over a decade. Our five-year retention rate among lateral partners is nearly 80%, which is well above the retention rate for the Am Law 200 (currently 60%). 

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Our lateral partners are provided clear paths to success, facilitated by our industry-leading approach of employing three full-time professionals dedicated to integrating partners into our business and our client relationships. Deep and thoughtful consideration goes into each lateral hire regarding their economic, cultural, and strategic fit, and only those with enthusiastic support from the office managing partner, the respective practice group chair, and the Executive Committee are brought on board.

The Lateral Partner Integration team provides support to lateral partners and senior counsel with regard to internal business development strategy and execution, as well as integration into their new role on the Perkins Coie national platform. This team is responsible for:

  • Onboarding lateral partners and senior counsel
  • Creating and maintaining integration plans for lateral partners in coordination with their office and practice group
  • Facilitating internal introductions and meaningful connections for lateral partners and senior counsel
  • Supporting client development initiatives of lateral partners and senior counsel
  • Tracking and reporting lateral partner integration activities and successes


Our culture has long been one of our greatest assets. Perkins Coie has maintained a consistent commitment to preserve, cultivate, and strengthen the values that give the firm its distinctive, prized character.

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Our Values:

  • One firm
  • Dedication to each other
  • Dedication to our clients
  • Dedication to our communities

These values have made Perkins Coie a great place to work, with collegial, supportive, and committed colleagues. They also have enabled us to attract and retain superbly talented lawyers and business professionals, and will be critical to achieving our ambitious vision.

In addition to the many awards we have received for our outstanding workplace, we also boast an exceptional attorney and personnel retention rate:

  • 33% of our personnel have been with the firm for more than ten years
  • 55% of our personnel have been with the firm for more than five years

We attribute this in large part to our dedication to each other, to our clients, and to our communities. By focusing on outstanding client service, superior legal work, and generous pro bono and community involvement opportunities, we're dedicated to providing an atmosphere that encourages our attorneys to pursue their definitions of success, both inside and outside the office.

Diversity & Inclusion

We are proud to have earned the Mansfield 6.0 Certification Plus for leadership in diversity. Diversity is a long-standing core value, and also one of the firm’s strategic goals.

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Embracing diversity allows us to draw from varied perspectives and communities, enabling us to attract the very best talent to our ranks, and in turn to provide excellent service to our clients.

In the early summer of 2020, Perkins Coie made a commitment to pledge resources and action to advance racial equality. As a firm, we are committed to doing our part to end racism and to help create a more just and equal society. Our actions will build on the substantial work we are already doing to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion within our firm and in our society.

Our focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion is one of the key reasons innovative women choose Perkins Coie. Our women attorneys play prominent roles at our firm at every level—from chairing our practices and offices to serving in firmwide leadership positions. By providing effective training and meaningful resources, Perkins Coie continues its focus on developing a culture where women flourish. Read more here.

Our firm culture is built on collaboration and mutual respect. Once an attorney becomes part of our community, we want them to feel welcome and prepared to participate at every level of engagement necessary for success. This is why the firm supports resource groups for attorneys of color (African American/Black, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Latinx, Native American, and South Asian/Middle Eastern); attorneys with disabilities; lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender attorneys; parents and caregivers; veterans; women; and women of color. In order to continue to increase and retain the number of firm attorneys with diverse backgrounds and perspectives, we have established these resource groups to offer opportunities for fellowship, support, and networking. Our local office diversity committees offer programs and events that respond to the specific and unique needs of their communities, while the firm as a whole hosts national programs and retreats aimed at providing diverse attorneys with the information and tools they need to succeed.

Lateral Partner Success Stories

Gene Lee

Patent Litigation
New York

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What are some of the reasons why you chose to transition to Perkins Coie?

Perkins Coie was my choice because of the firm’s strength in my practice area. When I was looking to move, I looked exclusively at firms that have a strong IP practice and a strong presence in the marketplace: in my view, firms with strong patent litigation must have significant market share. As time has passed, I continue to feel very good about my choice.

My last firm was private equity focused, so major PE firms were the firm’s biggest clients.  At Perkins Coie, many of the biggest clients are the largest and best tech firms in the world, which provides a general comment about the firm’s client base as a whole. Perkins Coie is a tech oriented firm, and the client base bears that out. 

Can you share some specific examples of helpful ways the firm supported you during your transition and integration into the firm?

In my early days after joining the firm, I very much appreciated the integration program. There was and is a person who oversaw my transition, which helped me manage aspects of the integration, including setting up meetings with firm colleagues elsewhere in the country. I was very enthusiastic about visiting the other offices.

My start date was well timed because the New Partner Retreat and the Partner Planning Conference occurred shortly after I joined, and I was able to visit other offices on the West Coast during those trips. Those introductions have helped me work successfully and closely with lawyers throughout the firm both within and outside my practice group.

Is there anything else that a potential lateral would find helpful in considering a move to the firm?

The firm is proud of its culture and one of the hallmarks is the way it operates to help foster collegiality. My experience has been positive. Colleagues here treat each other well and an emphasis on collaboration is highly valued. 

Jill Louis

Corporate & Securities

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What are some of the reasons why you chose to transition to Perkins Coie?

Perkins Coie was attractive to me because the firm knows who it is. Because it is a dominant player in technology and intellectual property, the firm’s value proposition is easy to articulate. It is both an old-line firm and part of the cutting edge of today’s economy. The firm can play with the confidence that comes from its 100-year history and its roster of talented and successful professionals: I like being on a team of A players.

Culture matters and I recognized that Perkins Coie’s culture reflects my values. I believe in working collectively as a professional services provider and I believe in the collegiality of a partnership. At Perkins Coie I practice with like-minded professionals.

The firm’s strategic diversity plan was a clincher for me. The diverse lawyers at this firm are empowered. They are not hanging out in the shadows wishing for progress. They are a key part of every aspect of the firm efforts.

It matters to me that Perkins Coie believes in being on the right side of history as we support candidates for public office and the ability of citizens to exercise their constitutional rights.

What’s been the biggest surprise to you since joining the firm?

The firm’s Legal Practice Management group is phenomenal. They are an impressive resource for our firm and for clients, and truly are a differentiator for the firm. Across departments, the firm sets us up for success. The technology support to deliver programming is excellent.

I was pleased to discover that the strong commitment to pro bono at Perkins Coie goes beyond lip service.

Can you share some specific examples of helpful ways the firm supported you during your transition and integration into the firm?

On Day One I brought over a matter that would require support from IP and litigation. A new colleague quickly referred me to two partners who jumped in with both feet to make the transition seamless and to support the client.

From my first day, I was welcomed with open arms into presentation and writing opportunities as well as new task force initiatives.

The virtual road show, Women of Color, and African American Lawyers groups helped me to find my colleagues and begin to build connections.

It is HUGE to me that the firm has a team of professionals who are dedicated to lateral integration.

Perkins Coie prides itself on having a collaborative and inclusive culture. Can you share a recent experience where you found that to be true?

Another new partner colleague, upon hearing that I had previously worked with one of her key clients, was very welcoming. She provided a “reintroduction” to the client which immediately resulted in work. Not all firms have people that quickly bring you into the fold of an established client relationship.

What do you most look forward to in your career at Perkins Coie?

I look forward to growing the Dallas office and bringing up the next generation of Perkins Coie lawyers, working collectively to create the strongest, most diverse firm in the country, and being unapologeti

Lateral Partner Team

If you are a partner or a search firm representing a partner, please refer to the contact below.

Rachel Mayerson
Senior Director of Strategic Lateral Growth & Integration

Antonio Cardenas
Administrator of Lateral Growth Operations

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