Professional Biography
Picture of Wendy Moore

Wendy L. Moore Partner

  • Palo Alto

    D +1.650.838.4307

    F +1.202.654.9156

    Palo Alto

    3150 Porter Drive

    Palo Alto, CA 94304-1212






  • 03.08.2023
    Startup Equity
    Speaking Engagements
    Startup SpringboardVirtual
  • 12.01.2022
    Proxy Season Roundtable: What You Need to Know Now

    This proxy season preview covered all you need to know about the latest issues, including the SEC’s new pay-for-performance rules, shareholder engagement, and shareholder proposal trends, as well as a bevy of practice tips that you can use for this upcoming proxy season.

  • 09.27.2022
    How to Answer Equity and Tax Questions From Employees
    Speaking Engagements

    How to Answer Equity and Tax Questions From Employees
    Carta / Webinar

  • 04.2020
    The CARES Act Webinar Series
    Join us for a timely webinar that will address key considerations for businesses exploring the financing opportunities made available under the CARES Act. 
  • 03.25.2020 - 03.26.2020
    Startup Company Cash Conservation Strategies

    This two-part webinar series explores cash conservation strategies that startups should consider during times of increased market volatility. These include reductions in discretionary spending, employee retention options, and compliant deferrals, among other design considerations that can extend financial runways. 

  • 06.14.2018
    “Big Deals” in 2017/2018: M&A Compensation Trends: Navigating Tax Reform, the Digital Economy and Globalization
    Speaking Engagements
    ALI-CLE / New York City, NY
  • 11.02.2015
    Sights & Sounds: Proxy Disclosure Conference ’15
    Speaking Engagements
  • 06.12.2015
    2015 Equilar Summit
    Speaking Engagements
    Hollywood, FL
  • 03.24.2015
    11th Annual CEP and Silicon Valley NASPP Symposium
    Speaking Engagements