Professional Biography
Image of Nicola Mendaldo

Nicola Menaldo Partner

  • Seattle

    D +1.206.359.8000

    F +1.206.359.9000


    1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4900

    Seattle, WA 98101-3099







  • 09.29.2023
    DHS Announces New Artificial Intelligence and Facial Recognition, Face Capture, and Facial Analysis Policies
    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced new policies on September 14, 2023, regarding its use and acquisition of artificial intelligence technologies, including facial recognition and face capture technologies.
  • 09.28.2023
    DHS Announces New Artificial Intelligence and Facial Recognition, Face Capture, and Facial Analysis Policies
    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced new policies on September 14, 2023 regarding its use and acquisition of artificial intelligence technologies, including facial recognition and face capture technologies. DHS also appointed Eric Hysen as the department’s first chief AI officer.
  • 06.09.2023
    FTC Issues Policy Statement Regarding Biometric Information

    The FTC issued a policy statement on May 18, 2023, addressing privacy and data security concerns and the potential for bias and discrimination relating to the collection and use of biometric information. In the Biometrics Policy Statement, the FTC lists specific examples of business practices relating to biometric information that it will scrutinize under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive acts and practices.

  • 05.09.2023
    Washington State Joins the Biometric Litigation Fray

    On April 27, 2023, Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed into law House Bill 1155, also known as the My Health, My Data Act. Its stated purpose is to protect “consumer health data” collected by entities not already subject to the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, but one less obvious consequence of the Act is that it may make Washington state a new hot spot for class-action litigation involving biometric privacy.

  • 04.25.2023
    Biometric Privacy in Film, Television, Music, and Gaming
    Creators in film, television, music, and gaming are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence and machine learning models to deliver new content and experiences to audiences. While providing many benefits, some applications of AI/ML in these contexts could potentially trigger biometric privacy laws.
  • 03.28.2023
    Be Kind, Don’t Rewind: The VPPA’s Reemergence in Privacy Class-Action Litigation
    This Update discusses a spate of recent class action lawsuits asserting claims under the Video Protection Privacy Act.
  • 11.10.2022
    White House Adopts Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights
    The Office of Science and Technology Policy, a part of the Executive Office of the President, recently published a white paper entitled “The Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: Making Automated Systems Work for the American People.”
  • 11.01.2022
    Amazon and Microsoft Win Summary Judgment in Illinois BIPA Lawsuits Based on Extraterritoriality
    After more than two years of litigation, Amazon and Microsoft won summary judgment in two class action lawsuits asserting violations of the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA): Vance v., Inc., Case No. C20-1084JLR and Vance v. Microsoft Corp., Case No. C20-1082JLR.
  • 10.18.2022
    $228M Verdict in First Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act Trial
    After a five-day trial and only an hour of deliberation, the nation’s first trial under the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act ended with a bang. The jury found that the defendant recklessly or intentionally violated BIPA 45,600 times resulting in a $228 million judgment.
  • 06.21.2022
    Getting the Right Fit: Biometric Privacy and the Apparel Industry
    In recent years, apparel and retail businesses have increasingly sought to provide customers with options to participate with the brand’s merchandise and services in virtual environments.
  • 03.01.2022
    Rip Van Wrinkle: The Grandfather of Biometric Laws Awakens
    For many years, the most significant law governing biometric-based products and services has been the Illinois Biometric Information Protection Act. This past month, however, another biometric data privacy law woke from a long, undisturbed slumber.
  • 10.2021/11.2021
    Biometric Privacy Litigation
    Security is one of the key applications for biometric technology and is increasingly pervasive. For example, companies have begun using biometric technology to provide secure, touchless financial transactions, limit access to medications and controlled substances, screen airline passengers, screen attendees of large-scale gatherings, such as sporting events and concerts, secure buildings, prevent unauthorized entry, and detect known threats, and monitor face-mask usage.
  • 09.17.2021
    How Websites Can Ward Off Novel State Law Wiretap Suits


    To most people, the word "wiretap" summons images of detectives with bulky headphones listening in on mobsters' phone calls.

  • 07.23.2021
    Biometric Privacy Rules Come to NYC
    New York City’s ordinance could be the beginning of a trend, or simple an outlier, but one that every business in the city should be aware of.
  • 07.09.2021
    The City That Never Peeps? NY City’s Biometric Identifier Information Ordinance Goes Into Effect July 9, 2021
    New York City’s new biometrics ordinance went into effect July 9, 2021. The ordinance regulates the use of “biometric identifier information” in “commercial establishments” such as places of entertainment, retail stores, and food and drink establishments. 
  • 04.05.2021
    Supreme Court Narrows TCPA’s Definition of “Autodialer”
    In Facebook, Inc. v. Duguid et al., the U.S. Supreme Court provided some clarity that stakeholders have been awaiting since 2015 by adopting a narrower interpretation of the term “autodialer” for purposes of the Telecommunications Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The Court reversed an expansive interpretation of “autodialer” adopted by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that the Court noted would have prohibited many commonplace uses of cell phones by consumers. The Court found that for a dialing system to constitute an autodialer, it must have the capacity to either store or produce a telephone number using a random or sequential number generator. This narrower interpretation comes as a relief to a broad range of businesses and nonprofit organizations, among others, that believed the Ninth Circuit’s broad interpretation unfairly ensnared legitimate communications practices that did not harm consumers.
  • 02.02.2021
    FTC Deal With Photo App May Signal More Biometric Scrutiny


    The Federal Trade Commission announced on Jan. 11 that it had reached a settlement with Everalbum Inc., the developer of a now-defunct photo storage app called Ever.
  • 01.29.2021
    Everalbum Settles FTC Claims Alleging Deceptive Use of Facial Recognition Technology
    The Federal Trade Commission announced on January 11, 2021, that it had reached a settlement with Everalbum, Inc., the developer of a now-defunct photo storage app called “Ever.” The settlement is the FTC’s first enforcement action focused on facial recognition technology, and likely signals a new era of increased regulatory scrutiny for companies involved in facial recognition.
  • 01.27.2021
    Washington, New York, and Minnesota Introduce New Privacy Laws to Begin the New Year
    It’s a new year and it looks like 2021 is going to be another eventful one for privacy. In the past few weeks, we’ve seen several states introduce new privacy legislation, including Washington, New York, and Minnesota.
  • 12.22.2020
    Time to Face the Country’s Strictest Facial Recognition Law

    Companies that do business in Portland, Oregon may need to add one more item to their holiday to-do list: disable face recognition technologies in Portland.

  • 10.21.2020
    Cos. Should Assess Risks of COVID-19 Biometric Tech


    Companies are increasingly developing biometric-enabled solutions, such as contactless entry and automated temperature and mask detection, to help employers safely return personnel to the office amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 08.07.2020
    CFAA Decision May Raise Bar on Scraping Liability
    As scraping and crawling of websites becomes more ubiquitous, courts continue to struggle with where to draw the lines regarding what is permissible. This can be a highly fact-intensive inquiry, but a recent case before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia provides some important takeaways.
  • 07.06.2020
    INSIGHT: Cannabis Businesses Should Get Smart About TCPA Litigation Risks

    Cannabis companies are facing a slew of class action lawsuits under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), which prohibits unwanted automated calls and text messages.

  • 02.04.2020
    New Biometrics Lawsuits Signal Potential Legal Risks in AI
    Companies that deal with biometrics are likely aware of Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), which regulates the collection, storage, and use of biometric data, including, for example, fingerprints, voiceprints, and scans of “face geometry.” 

    This update was republished in The Journal of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Law (September / October Edition).
  • 08.13.2019
    Biometrics and the Law: How the CCPA Fits Into the Bigger Picture and Best Practices to Reduce Litigation Risk
    States across the country are enacting or proposing legislation to regulate the collection, storage, use and disclosure of biometric data.
  • 06.06.2019
    Nevada Grants Consumers Opt-Out Rights in Expanded Online Privacy Law
    Nevada is the latest state to strengthen privacy laws to address the perceived need for more oversight of how companies handle personal data. On May 29, 2019, Nevada’s governor signed into law Senate Bill 220, which amends the state’s online privacy notice statute, Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 603A.300 et. seq. The amendments provide consumers with the right to restrict an entity’s “sale” of covered information while also excluding certain entities from the statute’s application. The amendments become effective October 1, 2019.
  • 06.05.2019
    I Am Robot: California’s New Law Requires Disclosure of Use of Bots
    Businesses that use chatbots to interact with customers online may be affected by California’s new Autobot Law (SB 1001) that goes into effect July 1, 2019.
  • 01.30.2019
    Proposed Washington Privacy Act Tracks GDPR and CCPA Protections and Emphasizes Facial Recognition
    Washington state has joined the growing ranks of states considering data privacy legislation in the wake of the European General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
  • 01.09.2019
    Welcome to 2019… States Take the Lead on Privacy Regulation

    Privacy Quick Tips

    Since the passing of the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), several states have introduced or passed privacy and data protection legislation. In addition to the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), the following state laws should be on your radar in 2019.
  • 01.02.2019
    Google Defeats Biometric Privacy Lawsuit on Article III Standing Grounds
    Google won summary judgment in Rivera v. Google, a privacy class action alleging violations of the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA). The case involved “face grouping,” a feature that enables Google Photos to automatically sort and group the photographs in a user’s private account, based on visual similarities between the images of faces in the photos. The court held that any alleged collection of “biometric information” or “biometric identifiers” stemming from this feature did not cause an injury-in-fact sufficient to confer Article III standing. This update summarizes the decision, which may be relevant to clients involved with biometric technology, as well as other clients facing litigation where a no-injury defense may be applicable.
  • 03.19.2018
    Critical Takeaways From the D.C. Circuit’s Long-Awaited Robocall Ruling
    Last Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Circuit) issued its long-awaited decision in ACA International v. Federal Communications Commission, No. 15-1211 (D.C. Cir. Mar. 16, 2018).
  • 01.30.2017
    Worth The Hassel

    Corporate Counsel

    “Worth The Hassel,” by Jim Snell and Nicola Menaldo, was published in Corporate Counsel regarding the case, Hassel v. Bird, in which the court of appeals decided to allow the plaintiff to use a default judgment against one party to obtain an order to compel a completely separate entity— online service provider Yelp — to remove from the Internet speech that the plaintiff did not like, without any notice to Yelp or an opportunity to be heard.
  • 06.08.2016
    Web Scraping in an Era of Big Data 2.0
    Lawyer Publications
    The legal landscape surrounding the legitimacy of web scraping continues to evolve. James Snell and Nicola Menaldo revisit their prior analysis, discussing how two recent cases have found in favor of scrapers in non-competitive situations. Click here to read the full article.
  • 07.17.2015
    The July 2015 TCPA Omnibus Declaratory Ruling and Order: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
    In last Friday’s long-awaited TCPA Omnibus Declaratory Ruling and Order (Order), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) may have dramatically altered the landscape for TCPA class action defense.
  • Summer 2013
    How to be [Toy]Smart about Transferring Personal Information in Your M&A Deal

    WSBA Business Law Section Newsletter, Vol. 35, Number 1

  • 2011
    “¿Viva La Data Protection?: How Culture Has Informed Chilean Information Privacy Law and What That Means for the Rest of the World”
    18 U. MIAMI INT’L & COMP. L. REV. 191
  • 10.08.2020
    Hot Topics and Legal Trends in AI and Advertising
    Customers today expect services and products to be personalized and relevant, which makes AI and machine learning in advertising even more important.
  • 10.07.2020
    When the Machine Knows Who You Are: How the Law Is Responding to a Biometric Revolution
    This webinar explores the legal landscape that governs biometric technologies and the latest biometric solutions to global challenges, such as COVID-19.
  • 09.22.2020
    Landslide: IP Legal Pitfalls of Machine Learning Systems
    Speaking Engagements
  • 05.21.2020
  • 07.18.2019
    Is the Sky Falling?: Managing Enforcement Risk Under the California Consumer Privacy Act?
    Perkins Coie’s CCPA Week
    This webinar will address enforcement risks under the CCPA, and how to manage compliance obligations to minimize litigation risk. Our speakers are class action litigators actively consulting clients in CCPA compliance. The topics will include, among other things, a discussion about the various enforcement mechanisms, notice and operational strategies to minimize risk, third party contracts, and exceptions and defenses to CCPA claims.
  • 07.15.2019
    Biometrics and the Law: How the CCPA Fits Into the Bigger Picture
    Perkins Coie’s CCPA Week
    Collecting, using, or storing biometric data presents a host of litigation risks. This webinar will provide an overview of the status of biometrics laws in the U.S., the protections that the CCPA provides to California residents and insight into best practices to reduce litigation risk.
  • Understanding the Legal Implications of Artificial Intelligence Series

    For all of its benefits, AI also poses a wide range of legal and ethical risks. Our interdisciplinary team of AI, Machine Learning and Robotics practice attorneys discussed these issues in a series of webinars that will help you understand the business benefits and regulatory risks associated with enterprise AI integration and deployment.


Bar and Court Admissions

  • Washington
  • Supreme Court of the United States
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
  • U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington
  • U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois


  • Harvard Law School, J.D., magna cum laude, 2010
  • Stanford University, B.A., English, 2004