Professional Biography
Image of Mason Ji

Mason Ji Associate

  • Seattle

    D +1.206.359.6308

    F +1.206.359.7308


    1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4900

    Seattle, WA 98101-3099







  • 06.14.2024
    Jamie Schafer, David Aaron, and Mason Ji Author Law360 Expert Analysis - Takeaways From Nat'l Security Division's Historic Declination
    Jamie Schafer, David Aaron, and Mason Ji authored an Expert Analysis article for Law360 - Takeaways From Nat'l Security Division's Historic Declination - addressing the Department of Justice's groundbreaking declined prosecution of a biochemical company, the first such declination since the new corporate enforcement policy came into effect earlier this year.
  • 01.19.2024
    COP28: Takeaways for Businesses and Investors

    The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties wrapped up in Dubai in mid-December 2023. This Article summarizes key takeaways and describes the potential implications for businesses and investors.

  • 08.16.2023
    A New National Security Frontier: Executive Order and Coming Regulations Restricting US Technology Investments in China
    President Biden issued a long-awaited executive order, “Addressing United States Investments in Certain National Security Technologies and Products in Countries of Concern” (the Executive Order or E.O.) on August 9, 2023, highlighting the risks these technologies and products pose to U.S. national security and marking the latest round in the ever-increasing competition between the United States and China.
  • 06.03.2023
    Surveying the Impact of China’s New (and Toothy) Data Privacy Laws on the WeChat Generation of Employees
    China is ramping up investment in technology and data, passing two new data privacy laws in 2021 as part of this effort.
  • 05.25.2023
    Mandatory BEA Foreign Investment-Related Surveys Filing Deadlines Fast Approach
    The Bureau of Economic Analysis of the U.S. Commerce Department is the government agency that prepares important statistics and objective data about the U.S. economy, including the U.S. gross domestic product. As part of its data-gathering process, the BEA makes use of a variety of surveys and other reports submitted to it by U.S. business enterprises and individuals. Two of BEA’s most comprehensive five-year benchmark surveys have impending filing deadlines and must be submitted by those U.S. businesses and persons to which they apply.


Bar and Court Admissions

  • Washington
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
  • U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington
  • U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington


  • Harvard Law School, J.D., 2021, Executive Editor, Harvard International Law Journal
  • University of Oxford, Master of Public Policy, Rhodes Scholar, 2018
  • University of Oxford, M.Sc., Global Governance and Diplomacy, Rhodes Scholar, 2017
  • Yale University, B.A., Global Affairs and Political Science, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 2016
  • Peking University, Certificate, Direct Enrollment, School of International Studies, 2014


  • Chinese - Mandarin


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