Professional Biography
Image of Kaela Shiigi

Kaela Shiigi Associate

  • San Francisco

    D +1.415.344.7064

    F +1.415.344.7050

    San Francisco

    505 Howard Street, Suite 1000

    San Francisco, CA 94105-3204





Project Permitting and Development

California Onshore Wind Projects

Serve as permitting counsel on a large wind project in Santa Barbara County, which requires compliance with state and federal water-related permits, incidental take permits, Lake and Streambed Alteration (LSA) Agreements, and local conditional use approvals.

Offshore Wind Project in California

Represented a prospective developer of a proposed offshore wind project near Morro Bay. Researched and wrote memoranda on multifactor bidding, environmental justice considerations, workforce development considerations, and community benefit agreements. Compiled bidding documents for the California lease sale.

Offshore Wind Project in Hawaii

Serve as environmental permitting counsel for a prospective developer of offshore wind in Hawaii. Conducted policy research regarding multifactor bidding and local considerations in preparation for future lease sales.

Ocean Conservancy

Partnered with the Ocean Conservancy to draft a report on offshore wind development in the United States. Drafted sections regarding the current regulatory landscape for offshore wind development.

Reservoir Project in California

Serve as environmental counsel for a large offstream reservoir project in northern California. Reviewed and provided comments on aquatic, wildlife, and environmental justice sections of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental review documents.

Land Use Development

Counsel major tech and biotech companies on land use regulatory issues and policy development in California.


Provide counsel to Clearway Energy, Inc., a leading publicly traded renewable energy infrastructure investor, in its acquisition of equity interests in solar projects in California and Hawaii.


Represent a real estate developer on Maui in a dispute over environmental approvals for a residential project under the Hawai`i Environmental Policy Act (HEPA).

Pro Bono

  • Represent the Friends of Blue Mound State Park in federal and state cases in Wisconsin on issues related to the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA) and First Amendment violations.
  • Represented domestic violence nonprofits by filing amicus curiae briefs in Washington and California appellate courts.




Bar and Court Admissions

  • California
  • Hawaii


  • UC Berkeley School of Law, J.D., 2020, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Ecology Law Quarterly; Associate Editor, California Law Review
  • University of California, Berkeley, B.S., Environmental Sciences, with high honors, 2015