Professional Biography

Dori E. Brewer Of Counsel

  • Seattle

    D +1.206.359.8436

    F +1.206.359.9436


    1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4900

    Seattle, WA 98101-3099







  • 10.13.2015
    Washington's Amended LLC Statute—Should You Amend Your LLC Agreement?
    Washington state approved significant amendments to its Limited Liability Company Act earlier this year that will become effective on January 1, 2016.
  • 03.23.2012
    Tax Redemption and Attribution Rules: A Trap for Unwary Family-Owned Businesses

    Seattle Business Magazine

  • 03.12.2012
    California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010: Are You in Compliance?
    The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 went into effect January 1, 2012.  The Act requires retail sellers and manufacturers to disclose what efforts, if any, they are taking to eliminate forced labor and human trafficking from their supply chains.
  • 02.28.2012
    Delaware Court Reaffirms Fiduciary Duties Owed by Manager of a Limited Liability Company
    In a recent decision by the Delaware Court of Chancery, Auriga Capital Corp. v. Gatz Properties, LLC, C.A. 4390-CS (Del. Ch. Jan. 27, 2012), the court strongly reaffirmed that managers of a limited liability company owe traditional fiduciary duties to the limited liability company and its minority members unless such duties are explicitly reduced or eliminated by the terms of the limited liability company's operating agreement.
  • 06.29.2010
    New Washington Limited Partnership Law Effective (in Part) July 1, 2010
    Last year, Governor Christine Gregoire signed into law the Uniform Limited Partnership Act, or ULPA.  ULPA modified Washington's existing limited partnership statute, which was based on the Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act, or RULPA.  ULPA became effective for new limited partnerships on January 1, 2010, but generally takes effect for existing limited partnerships, with certain significant exceptions, on July 1, 2010.
  • 07.25.2019
    M&A and Financing Update - Trends and Outlook for 2019 & Beyond
    Speaking Engagements

    "For many family-owned companies, the most important thing is not getting the most money, but getting the right buyer." - Dori Brewer, Middle Market Growth


Bar and Court Admissions

  • Washington


  • Cornell Law School, J.D., cum laude, 1984, Editor, Cornell International Law Journal
  • University of Washington, B.B.A., Accounting, and B.A., Speech Communication, 1981 magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa