Businesses and individuals involved in real estate-focused transactions and disputes face complex, and often costly, challenges and opportunities.






  • 04.25.24 (UPDATED 07.01.2024)
    Washington State Removes Acknowledgment Requirement for Real Estate Leases
    On March 13, 2024, Governor Jay Inslee signed into law Substitute Senate Bill 5840, which amends the state statutes governing the acknowledgment of leases of real estate. The bill, which was unanimously passed by both chambers of the legislature, aims to eliminate the confusion and inconsistency that resulted from previous laws that required different forms of acknowledgment for leases of different durations and for recording purposes. 
  • 04.17.2024
    Supreme Court Rules Legislative Permit Conditions Not Exempt From Nollan/Dolan Scrutiny
    In a dispute over a traffic impact fee imposed on a residential building permit by El Dorado County, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously rejected the long-standing position of California and other state courts that the Takings Clause of the U.S. Constitution applies differently when permit conditions are imposed legislatively rather than administratively.
  • 03.28.2024
    Federal District Court Finds Corporate Transparency Act Unconstitutional: What Now?
    On March 1, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama held that the CTA was unconstitutional because it exceeds Congress’s enumerated powers. As a result, the Alabama district court enjoined enforcement of the CTA as to the plaintiffs in that matter, the National Small Business Association, and one of its individual members.
  • 12.04.2023
    Illinois Supreme Court Issues Landmark Construction Insurance Coverage Ruling
    In a landmark decision, the Illinois Supreme Court has granted a major victory for policyholders seeking general liability insurance coverage for construction defect and faulty workmanship claims.
  • 09.12.2023
    IRS Issues Proposed Regulations Relating to Digital Asset Transactions
    The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service recently released proposed regulations (REG-122793-19) pertaining to information reporting and backup withholding, as well as basis and amount realized determinations for certain transactions involving digital assets.