The potential harm to a manufacturer from a product liability action goes far beyond the cost of litigation and damages. The toll of negative publicity, customer defections and loss of investor confidence can be immeasurable.






  • 06.03.2024
    Laura Hill Authors ABA Litigation Journal Article On Finding Joy In Legal Writing

    Partner Laura Hill authored an article for the ABA Litigation Journal highlighting how litigators can find joy in legal writing. Laura shares approaches and insights that have served her well in her career to date.

  • 10.24.2023
    California's Digital Fair Repair Act: SB 244
    Governor Gavin Newsom recently approved California’s SB 244, also referred to as the Right to Repair Act, positioning California as a pivotal state advocating for comprehensive electronics or appliance repair rights.
  • 08.28.2023
    Space Flight Liability: Knowing and Reducing the Risks

    Perkins Coie

    The NewSpace industry involves cutting-edge technologies. It also raises cutting-edge product liability risks. Hundreds of entities can be involved in a launch, including launch service providers, spacecraft and component part manufacturers, payload manufacturers, launch site operators, and space flight participants. If something goes wrong during launch, orbit, or reentry, any one of these parties could potentially be at fault. Manufacturers of equipment that may be used in space should carefully assess their product liability risks—and proactively seek to mitigate those risks.
  • 03.23.2023
    Sector-Based Cybersecurity Requirements for Critical Infrastructure, From Our Water Systems to the Skies
    Critical infrastructure companies should expect substantial new federal cybersecurity requirements based on the National Cybersecurity Strategy that President Biden announced on March 2, 2023. After the Administration announced the Strategy, the EPA released a memorandum addressing cybersecurity in public water systems and TSA released an aviation cybersecurity amendment.
  • 12.31.2020
    FAA Issues Much-Anticipated Drone Rules
    The holidays came a bit late this year for stakeholders in the uncrewed aircraft industry when, on December 28, 2020, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released its long-awaited rules on Remote ID, operations over people and moving vehicles, and night operations.