

Press Releases

Animated Short Walks Viewer Through Complexities of New USPTO Process

PALO ALTO, Calif. (May 29, 2014) – To help explain the complexities of the United States Patent & Trademark Office’s new inter partes review (IPR) process, Perkins Coie has developed a short animated video that walks viewers step-by-step through the entire process.  The recent adoption of the America Invents Act (AIA) offers a broader variety of cost-effective Patent Office procedures for strengthening or invalidating patent claims.  The IPR process is one of the new options that, depending on the circumstances, can benefit either patent holders or challengers.

“We thought that a video explanation of the inter partes review process made a lot of sense,” said Chun Ng, the Perkins Coie partner who wrote the script and headed the team that worked on the video.  “What we ended up with is a great primer that both informs and entertains.  In just over four minutes, our video explains the various stages of the process, what you can expect at various points in the review, and the potential outcomes.  While the video shouldn’t be perceived as legal advice, it does help clarify why you might want to pursue using the inter partes review and what can happen.”

Perkins Coie has more experience with IPRs than almost any law firm in the country.  We have assisted in more than 30 IPRs and we are consistently ranked in the top 10 in IPR filings as petitioner counsel. 

About Our Patent Practice: With more than 200 lawyers and agents dedicated to patent prosecution, litigation and transaction due diligence, Perkins Coie’s Patent practice is one of the largest in the country.  The practice includes 120 professionals who are registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and we were recently recognized for the second consecutive year as the “Patent Law Firm of the Year” by U.S. News – Best Lawyers®.  The world's leading semiconductor, software, computer, mobile device, Internet, telecommunications, pharmaceutical and medical device, aerospace, and consumer products companies regularly turn to our patent lawyers for advice on protecting, defending and enforcing their most valuable inventions and ideas.  In the past two years, we have prosecuted to issuance more than 2,000 patents and filed more than 6,000 new patent applications worldwide.

Perkins Coie is a leading global law firm, dedicated to helping the world’s most innovative companies solve the legal and business challenges of tomorrow. Learn about our work and values here.

Media Inquiries: Please email Justin Cole, Head of Media Relations.