Perkins Coie's e-commerce lawyers have worked with some of the internet's foremost pioneers. We also represent more traditional companies that are leaders in developing e-commerce capabilities.





  • 06.12.2024
    District Court Decision Indicates Liability for Erroneous DMCA Takedowns
    The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois found on April 22, 2024, that persons submitting a copyright takedown notice under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act must consider whether the materials claimed to be infringed by the counterparty were eligible for copyright protection prior to submitting its takedown notice.
  • 02.29.2024
    Human Authorship Requirement Continues To Pose Difficulties for AI-Generated Works
    2023 was a breakout year for generative artificial intelligence, but it was a rough year for protecting the content generated using such technology. The U.S. Copyright Office issued several rulings last year on the question of when works generated using AI technology are protected under U.S. copyright law, and so far, applicants have not been able to convince the Copyright Office that the AI-generated components of their works are protectable.
  • 01.16.2023
    Great Cancellations: Kentucky’s New Subscription Law and FTC’s Expansion of the Negative Option Rule
    The latest additions to the patchwork of state and federal regulations with which businesses offering subscriptions must comply are a new Kentucky law governing subscriptions offered in that state and the Federal Trade Commission’s proposed amendments to its “Negative Option Rule.”
  • 11.13.2023
    The New Health Privacy Landscape—Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
    Just a few years ago, the legal landscape governing health-related personal information was relatively simple: Protected Health Information was regulated under HIPAA. Today, by contrast, the privacy of health-related personal information is under close scrutiny by the FTC, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights and state regulators.
  • 11.03.2023
    UK Online Safety Act Becomes Law: What To Expect Next
    Last week, the UK’s Online Safety Bill received royal assent and became law. With this development, Ofcom, the regulator for the new Online Safety Act, has published a roadmap to explain how the Act will be implemented over the next two years.