Vast in reach and influence, the energy industry routinely faces the most complex issues involving technology, commercial markets, and regulatory requirements. It is also rapidly transforming as disruptive technologies and new participants emerge.



Vast in reach and influence, the energy industry routinely faces the most complex issues involving technology, commercial markets, and regulatory requirements. It is also rapidly transforming as disruptive technologies and new participants emerge.

With more than 100 lawyers active in the energy sector, Perkins Coie helps clients structure and negotiate energy transactions, navigate the complex regulatory and permitting frameworks governing the energy industry, and litigate issues involving the energy sector.

Our clients range from some of the world’s largest energy companies and utilities to promising startups active in traditional regulated markets as well as those operating in newly deregulated markets or implementing innovative energy technologies.

With more than 100 lawyers active in the energy sector, Perkins Coie helps clients structure and negotiate energy transactions, navigate the complex regulatory and permitting frameworks governing the energy industry, and litigate issues involving the energy sector.

Our clients range from some of the world’s largest energy companies and utilities to promising startups active in traditional regulated markets as well as those operating in newly deregulated markets or implementing innovative energy technologies.



  • Named Environment Law Firm of the Year – Chambers, 2023
  • Named Environment Law Firm of the Year – Best Lawyers, 2020
  • Named Natural Resources Law Firm of the Year – Best Lawyers, 2021, 2019, and 2017

Comprehensive Cross-Discipline Energy Counsel

To help our energy clients achieve their goals, we draw upon the firm’s full-service business capabilities. Areas of related counsel include environmental, corporate, securities, tax, real estate, intellectual property, labor and employment, insurance, construction, government contracts, and litigation—including arbitration, alternative dispute resolution, trial, and appellate practices. Like our clients, we are focused on current issues, such as climate change, that affect and transform the energy industry.

Perkins Coie advises clients in many facets of the energy sector, including the following: 

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Transmission Infrastructure

Significant transmission infrastructure development will be required to support clean energy development and realize the growing opportunities from distributed resources. View experience.

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Perkins Coie attorneys help clients navigate the entire transmission development process as well as regulation of transmission rates, interconnection with transmission systems, and negotiation of contracts for transmission service. We advise clients on participation in regional transmission organization/independent system operator (RTO/ISO) transmission planning processes, shepherd projects through state and federal permitting and environmental review, and advise clients on real estate and land use issues. Our attorneys also counsel clients on ratemaking and regulatory issues that range from cost-based rate issues to merchant transmission development under negotiated rates.

solar panels


Perkins Coie attorneys have amassed decades of experience advising solar developers, lenders, investors, and purchasers on all aspects and at every stage of power project development and operation, in both regulated and unregulated settings. View experience.

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We have worked on both utility-scale and behind-the-meter projects. Our multidisciplinary solar energy team has worked with a broad spectrum of clients on leases, net metering, tax incentives, regulatory compliance, interconnection, financing, and other issues that affect solar energy projects. We represent both buyers and sellers in negotiation of solar power purchase agreements and counsel clients on participation in organized wholesale electric markets. When necessary, we have also defended projects against legal challenges.

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As both onshore and offshore wind energy resources are developed, Perkins Coie is working with clients to navigate complex permitting and regulatory issues and to guide clients through intricate and rapidly changing development processes at the state and federal levels. View experience

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We have addressed issues related to siting, permitting, construction, financing, operation, regulatory compliance, and grid interconnection. We also have worked on a wide variety of solutions necessary to transmit remote resources and transmission for offshore wind projects. Our wind energy team has worked with utilities, developers, financial supporters, and end-user customers on leases, tax incentives, financing, and other issues that affect wind energy projects. Our representation of both buyers and sellers includes negotiation of wind power purchase agreements and counsel clients on participation in organized wholesale electric markets. When necessary, we have also defended projects against legal challenges.


Climate Law

With more than two decades of experience working on climate change issues, Perkins Coie attorneys are active in the development of carbon emission regulation.

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We advise clients on regulatory compliance, develop strategies and negotiate contracts to achieve carbon reduction targets and acquire carbon offsets, and assist clients in monetizing their projects’ carbon reduction attributes. Counseling on the assessment and mitigation of climate change impacts, our attorneys also assist with the development and implementation of climate change adaptation measures. Our extensive experience includes all aspects of renewable energy development.

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Electric Storage, Electric Vehicles & Related Infrastructure

As older, conventional generation is retired and replaced with intermittent renewable resources in regions of the United States, electric storage will be a critical component of developing a reliable clean electric grid. View experience

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Electrification of the transportation sector will be an important pathway to reducing carbon emissions, but challenges the existing electric grid in many ways. Perkins Coie represents industry leaders and innovators at the forefront of these structural changes to U.S. infrastructure. We advise clients adding utility-scale and behind-the-meter energy storage systems to the electric grid, as well as clients developing microgrids and related district systems that depend on energy storage. Our attorneys also provide legal counsel concerning hybrid and vehicle systems, vehicle energy storage, vehicle charging stations, advanced combustion engines, fuels and lubricants, and more. We counsel companies that develop, build, and market the next generation of highly efficient aircraft and ground vehicles, and work with entrepreneurs and venture capitalists involved in developing and funding the latest clean transportation technologies. Our regulatory attorneys also help electric storage and electric vehicle infrastructure innovators navigate RTO/ISO transmission planning and interconnection processes as well as rules governing participation in energy and ancillary services markets.

Hydrogen & Renewable Fuels

Perkins Coie advises clients engaged in producing, transporting, and selling hydrogen and other renewable fuels, as well as developing the associated infrastructure.  View experience

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Our attorneys advise clients on the rapidly evolving regulation and incentives promoting renewable, low-carbon, and zero-carbon fuels. We guide hydrogen producers on financing and other transactions, and have helped clients obtain permits required for hydrogen infrastructure, as well as advising renewable fuels manufacturers on permitting requirements and assisting with their financial transactions. Our experience includes representing utilities on the regulatory requirements associated with the use of renewable natural gas.

Natural Gas, LNG & Petroleum Products

Our long history of advising clients in the fossil fuel sectors informs our representation of natural gas and petroleum products manufacturers, distributors, and users in a time of increasing governmental and corporate decarbonization goals. View experience

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We represent clients in connection with fossil fuel exploration and development, petroleum refining, fuel storage, interstate and local pipeline development, liquified natural gas (LNG) facilities, and the regulations and transactions associated with these fuels. Our deep knowledge includes the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) certificate process and extensive experience with environmental evaluation and permitting with agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). We also have deep experience in matters involving public lands, including those managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS). Our strong Native American law and policy practice advises on issues relating to tribes, Alaska Native corporations and villages, and tribal lands.

Energy Efficiency & Demand Response

Energy efficiency and demand response are a core element of many state utility regulatory programs, requiring substantial investments to support both residential and commercial customers and playing a key role in utility resource planning as utilities, businesses, and homeowners seek to reduce their carbon footprint and improve their bottom line.

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Perkins Coie attorneys help design compliant energy efficiency and demand response programs to respond to utility customer needs and integrate energy efficiency and demand response into a utility’s overall resource plan. We prepare regulatory filings to state regulators, represent our clients in contested case proceedings, and help oversee program compliance under state law. We also help our clients integrate energy efficiency and demand response as part of their Environmental, Social, and Governance programs.

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Utility Rates & Regulation

As the “go-to” state and federal counsel for many publicly traded investor owner utilities, Perkins Coie’s lawyers are regularly involved in proceedings involving rates, integrated resources plans, certificates of public necessities, and other regulated matters. View experience

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Our national team of energy attorneys has appeared before state utility commissions in over a dozen states. We are regularly lead counsel in rate cases and appeals of rate case decisions, and routinely represent clients with state regulatory issues involving new infrastructure projects, such as new generation and high-voltage transmission line construction.

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Hydroelectric Power

Perkins Coie’s attorneys have supported hydroelectric clients for decades. Our team regularly handles FERC compliance issues, dam safety reviews, and licensing matters. View experience

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Clients have turned to us for assistance with FERC and state approvals for the sale of hydroelectric assets, dam failure remediation, and the expansion of existing hydroelectric facilities. Most recently, we have represented clients in proceedings involving the removal of dams to facilitate fish passage.

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Conventional Fossil Fuel Generation

Although renewable generation is booming and many utilities are transitioning away from historical use of coal, oil and natural gas, there will still be a need and place for conventional generation for many years to come. View experience.

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Our attorneys have extensive experience permitting conventional generation and help clients with permit renewals and modifications for their existing facilities. We counsel clients on evolving environmental regulations, carbon mitigation requirements, and federal and state regulatory issues. We also advise conventional generation clients on regulated markets and transmission issues, and defend conventional generators from lawsuits.


