

Speaking Engagements

Due to the growing difficulties in identifying the differences between an abstract idea and an invention, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued a notice that discusses a memorandum on subject matter eligibility determinations, additional life sciences examples that will help assist in making eligibility determinations, and an updated list of eligibility examples and recent court decisions. The "May 2016 Subject Matter Eligibility Update" reminded stakeholders about the July 2015 update, which provided guidance to examiners on making subject matter eligibility determinations. Furthermore, the May 2016 update provides examiners with a detailed and point-by-point instructions on how to formulate a proper rejection on subject matter grounds.

Patent law is an actively evolving landscape, and as it continues to grow, it is expected that risks and pitfalls may also increase. In order to avoid the possible legal challenges, it is of high importance to be updated with the developments in the law regarding patentable subject matter.

In this live webcast, a panel of thought leaders and professionals assembled by The Knowledge Group will provide the audience with an in-depth analysis of the fundamentals as well as the important issues in the USPTO’s Examination Guidelines for Patentable Subject Matter.

Key topics include:

  • May 2016 Subject Matter Eligibility Update
  • Determining Subject Matter Eligibility Under 35 U.S.C. §101
  • Subject Matter Eligibility
  • Rejection Under §101
  • Opportunities and Pitfalls
  • Scope and Limitations
  • Recent Trends and Developments