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Kira Loehr was quoted in the WisBusiness.com article, “‘Still More To Do’ When It Comes To Modernizing Energy Grid,” regarding Wisconsin’s plan to the modernize its energy grid and what to anticipate in the future.

Kira Loehr, an energy law attorney, says “we don’t know anything other than we can’t know for sure right now what the future is going to look like, but it’s going to change.”

“There’s going to be new devices, new products, new services, and having the ability to adapt and be flexible to those is going to be very important for the industry,” she said.

Loehr thanked Nowak for initiating this discussion, and criticized the contested case process for not leading to positive discussion that leads to real impacts, saying it only “creates winners and losers at any given moment.”

“The ability to reset everybody, get stakeholders to come together, not see each other as adversaries but see each other as participants in this broader process,” she said. “We need to foster better relationships among the group as a whole.”