Public Chatter
Public Chatter
Public Chatter provides practical guidance—and the latest developments—to those grappling with public company securities law and corporate governance issues, through content developed from an in-house perspective.

A New Guide: "In-House Perspectives - Random Bits of Fun"
In this "In-House Perspectives: Random Bits of Fun" Guide, I have compiled the various "In-House Corners" in which our in-house readers have shared tips, anecdotes, and thoughts about topics that arise in their daily practice. The topics include:

A New Guide: "In-House Perspectives - Governance Practices"
In this "In-House Perspectives: Governance Practices" Guide, I have compiled the various "In-House Corners" in which our in-house readers have shared tips, anecdotes, and thoughts about topics that arise in their daily practice. The topics include:

A New Guide: "How to Write a Comment Letter to the SEC on a Rulemaking"
I have put together this "How to Write a Comment Letter to the SEC on a Rulemaking" Guide. Check it out! It covers these two topics:

A New Guide: "In-House Perspectives - Disclosure Practices"
In this "In-House Perspectives: Disclosure Practices" Guide, I have compiled the various "In-House Corners" in which our in-house readers have shared tips, anecdotes, and thoughts about topics that arise in their daily practice. The topics include:

A New Guide: "In-House Perspectives - Proxy Season"
In this "In-House Perspectives: Proxy Season" Guide, I have compiled the various "In-House Corners" in which our in-house readers have shared tips, anecdotes, and thoughts about topics that arise in their daily practice as they relate to the proxy season. The topics include:

A New Guide: "Understanding the SEC Comment Letter Process"
Jason Day has put together this "Understanding the SEC Comment Letter Process" Guide. Check it out! It covers these four topics:

A Proxy Season Guide: “Shareholder Engagement"

A New Guide: "The Challenges of the 'Materiality' Determination"
I have put together this "The Challenges of the 'Materiality' Determination" Guide. Check it out!

Our New Guide: “Dealing with New Lines of Business & Evolving Segments”
Allison Handy has put her deep knowledge to use in putting together this practical guide: "Dealing with New Lines of Business & Evolving Segments." Check it out!

Our New Guide: "The SEC's Climate Disclosure Proposal - A Comprehensive Look"
Allison Handy and I have put together this 19-page guide entitled "The SEC's Climate Disclosure Proposal: A Comprehensive Look." Interestingly, the SEC has updated its proposing release several times since it was first posted - so the proposing release has shrunk by 20 pages, down to a slim 490