Public Chatter
Public Chatter
Public Chatter provides practical guidance—and the latest developments—to those grappling with public company securities law and corporate governance issues, through content developed from an in-house perspective.

The Corporate Secretary: Being Persuasive
Here's the fifth of the 21 hats that the corporate secretary wears (here's the blog about the fourth hat): Being knowledgeable gives you the confidence to use persuasion when you feel that directors may be straying off course on key governance issues.

Supreme Court Overrules Chevron; Courts Must Determine “Best” Meaning of Statutes Without Deference
Here's a teaser from this Client Update: "The Supreme Court of the United States has overruled Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.

A Post-Chevron World: Business As Usual?
Given the potential implications of the overturning of the Chevron doctrine by the US Supreme Court a few weeks ago – see our Client Update on the

"Spring 2024" Reg Flex Agenda is Up: Final Shareholder Proposal Rule Amendments on the Horizon?
It's that time of year again, the semi-annual posting of the SEC's Reg Flex Agenda.

Employers Left in Limbo by FTC Noncompete Decision

Video Archive: “Proxy Season Deep Dive – 20 Things”
We have posted the video archive for the recent webcast – "Proxy Season Deep Dive – 20 Things" – during which Perkins Coie's Allison Handy, Kelly Reinholdtsen and Proxy Analytics' Steve Pantina covered what happened during this wild proxy seaso

SCOTUS' Securities Fraud Ruling Further Limits SEC's Enforcement Authority (With Rippling Effects on the Administrative State)
Here's the teaser for this Client Update: "In the recent 6-3 decision in SEC v. Jarkesy, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that respondents to a U.S.

8 Things to Know Right Now
Here's our latest edition of our monthly feature – a quick snapshot of recent developments:

Corp Fin Issues Five CDIs on Cyber-Related Form 8-Ks
In recent weeks, Corp Fin has been active in providing guidance about Form 8-Ks filed to report cyber incidents.

Corp Fin Director Gerding Speaks on "State of Disclosure Review"
Corp Fin Director Erik Gerding has been busy providing us with a lot of transparency in recent months about all sorts of things. In this new statement, Erik essentially puts the remarks from the Corp Fin Staff during the "SEC Speaks" conference in writing.

Corp Fin Clarifies That Companies Can Share Cyber Incident Information With Third-Parties Beyond 8-K Disclosure
Following on the heels of his statement last month clarifying that companies should not file Form 8-K under Item 1.05 in connection with a cybersecurity incident that they have determined isn't material or for which they have not yet made a materiality

Results from First Year of Effectiveness of Nasdaq’s Board Diversity Objective
As we await the decision of the en banc Fifth Circuit about whether the Nasdaq's board diversity rule will survive, check out this recap of board diversity data in the first year that the board diversity objective of Nasdaq's rule applied per this

The SEC’s Climate Rules: Item 1502(c)’s Strategy, Financial Planning and Capital Allocation Considerations from Climate Risks
This is the latest in our series of blogs breaking down the SEC's new climate risk disclosure rules.

7 Things to Do When You Change a Company’s Name (With the SEC & Otherwise)
Changing a company's name is a big deal. From a legal standpoint, there's so much more to do than you would think. It's expensive – and time-consuming – to pull off.
Man, we don't envy those of you who have been through the process of a public company changing its name. The legal workload is a bear.

In-House Corner: How We’re (Semi) Embracing AI
This feature of our blog is where our in-house readers share tips, anecdotes and thoughts about things that come up in their daily practice. This particular batch of thoughts is about how in-house practitioners are embracing generative AI so far: